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HADITH: A RE-EVALUATION (excellent read)

September 28, 2024, 01:32:32 pm Heba E. Husseyn: Martyrdom of Syyed Hassan Nasrallah on Sept.27, 2024. Don't miss our blog post @ Zainabs Lounge.
July 16, 2024, 07:48:21 pm Zainab_M: The 10th of Muharram 1446 (Ashura) has arrived (Juky16).
Pls know it is about Hussein not Abu Huraira nor the Jewish exodus.
Pls read:
- Who was Hussein?
- Did the Prophet (S) fast
on 10th Muharram?

April 02, 2024, 07:27:22 pm Heba E. Husseyn: Details on Leila tul Qadr every Ramadan, links HERE.
November 01, 2023, 03:44:32 pm Zainab_M: Allahhuma ameen .. ameen.
November 01, 2023, 03:43:43 pm Ruhi_Rose: Yes .. making lots of dua everyday ..... watching those real life video clips, my face feels wet with tears all the time.  May ALLAH grant the best to these wonderful, brave & steadfast martyrs,  Ameen ya Allah.
November 01, 2023, 03:38:26 pm Zainab_M: Keep praying, praying a lot for Gaza. It's worse than a prison .. it's a concentration camp.  Children as young as 10 or 11 are having to care for their younger siblings ages 2, 3 and 4 becoz many have lost both parents.  It's a very, very, very tearful situation there.
October 26, 2023, 03:40:19 pm N. Truth Seeker: Don't forget to look up MV Blog Zainab's Lounge for our Gaza updates.
October 20, 2023, 04:24:44 pm Zainab_M: Right sister Heba.  Gaza hospital bombing has the fingerprints of Israel all over it.  For Israel this is no big crime.  They have done this and much worse many times in the past and intend to do the same and worse many more times in near future.
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Author Topic: HADITH: A RE-EVALUATION (excellent read)  (Read 7219 times)
TEAM MV Founder
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Posts: 6396

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« on: April 16, 2007, 11:50:44 pm »


The following is the final chapter from the well known book written by Kassim Ahmad, "Hadith: A Re-evaluation."  Since these contents cover an entire chapter, it's somewhat lengthy, yet I would advise everyone to read it carefully.  Take you own time to go through it, even if it's one paragraph a day.  It's possible that you might find this nice piece thought provoking.


'HADITH:  A RE-EVALUATION'   By Kassim Ahmad
"Return to Prophet Muhammad's Original Teachings - The Quran" (Chapter 5)

You shall obey God and obey the Messenger and beware. If you turn away, then you should know that the sole function of our messenger is to deliver the message. (Quran, 5:92)

Say, "O people, I am God's messenger to all of you. To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no God except He. He grants life and death." Therefore, you shall believe in God and His messenger, the gentile prophet, who believes in God and His Words and follow him, that you may be guided. (Quran, 7:158)

When Prophet Muhammad died, he left with us only the Quran and nothing but the Quran ­ as a guidance for Muslims and indeed for all mankind. This has been shown by solid historical evidence. Moreover, the Quran pronounced this fact as well when God stated several times that the function of the messenger was only to deliver the message. Verse 92 of Sura 5 that we quote above is one of them. We also quote Verse 158 of Sura 7 which states that Prophet Muhammad himself believes in the divine words, i.e. the Quran.

Nevertheless, the previous chapters have shown how Muslim society between 200-250 years after the death of the Prophet, through their religious scholars (particularly Shafi`i) built a new doctrine to the effect that the Prophet has left them the Quran and the hadith and that they must hold on to both.

Notwithstanding the conflicting versions of hadith that say otherwise, historical facts also prove beyond any shadow of doubt that there were no hadith collections existing at the time of the Prophet's death. History also proves that the early caliphs prevented the dissemination or recording of hadith. Al-Muwatta' of Malik ibn Anas (d. 975) may be said to be the first hadith collection, although, properly speaking, it was a law-book rather than a hadith collection. We know that the official collections were made only after Shafi`i pronounced the hadith to be also divine and a source of law on par with the Quran.

Whether to go back and refer to the Quran alone to solve our many pressing problems today, or to persist in our thousand-year old error of clinging to the unauthorized hadith and heresies resulting out of it — this is the greatest dilemma facing the Muslims today. Are we brave enough to admit our mistake, retrace our steps and make amends? Or, shall we continue arrogantly to cling to and defend traditions that we have inherited from our forefathers? To let ourselves drift aimlessly in confusion, backwardness, degradation and disunity that have plagued us all these thousand years? To be divided not only among ourselves, but, more importantly, divided within our own individual selves about what is right and what is wrong, what is "religious" and what is "secular," who is an "alim" and who is not and the thousand other conflicting teachings fed to us by the hadith?  What a tremendous achievement indeed for the hadith!

So what are we to do now? Is there any way out? Is there no "Second Comings" for us, for mankind? But there is. Everything that we need, the primordial element, lies in the Quran, latent and merely waiting for us to reach out to it again. The clearest spring with its purest fount of knowledge still runs straight and true in the Quran, just as it has from the day it was first revealed by God Almighty in His All-Encompassing Mercy for all mankind.

As we contemplate the fate of the Muslims and agonize over traditions that many of us have come to love and fear to reject, let us be reminded by these verses:

"When they are told, `Follow God's commandments only,' they say, `We follow what we found our parents doing.' What if their parents lacked understanding and guidance? The example of such disbelievers is that of a parrot; they repeat what they heard without understanding. Deaf, dumb and blind, they fail to understand."

So, we shall not be deaf, dumb and blind anymore. We shall not be like parrots and repeat what others tell us without first questioning and understanding things. The answer to our dilemma, therefore, lies in our going to the Quran for guidance.

"Why do they not study the Quran carefully? If it were from other than God, they would have found many contradictions therein."

Such is the challenge written in the Quran. We are challenged to find even one contradiction within it. Does any other book have any such statement?  Does the hadith allow us to question itself, or does one become a heretic to do so? Is the hadith beyond reproach – does it occupy a plane higher than the above verse?

The True Position of the Hadith/Sunna

As we have explained, our rejection of the hadith/sunna as an infallible source of guidance on par with the Quran in no way means our rejection of Prophet Muhammad. On the contrary, this rejection is precisely to clear the name of the Prophet from false teachings attributed to him against his will, in the same manner as the false teachings that Jesus is the Son of God has been attributed to Jesus by later Christians. Let us summarize our reasons for our rejection of the hadith/sunna as an infallible source of guidance as follows:

(1) The Quran is complete, perfect and detailed. It is the fundamental law and the basic guidance for mankind covering every aspect of life. Other books are merely expositions either for or against the grand ideas contained in the Quran.

(2) The sole mission of Prophet Muhammad was to deliver the divine message, the Quran. He was, of course, also an exemplary leader and teacher, but these roles were secondary.

(3) The hadith compiled by hadith scholars consist of reports of alleged sayings and actions of the Prophet and cannot be guaranteed as to their authenticity. Those hadith that conform to the Quran are acceptable, while those that conflict with it are automatically rejected.

(4) Religious duties of regular prayer, fasting, charities and the optional pilgrimage were not delivered by way of hadith, but were religious practices handed down through generations from the time of Prophet Abraham.

(5) Besides being prophet and messenger of God, Muhammad was also a leader of the Medina city-state and later the Arab nation-state. In that role, he implemented the Divine imperatives in the context of 7th century Arabia. It is impossible that he would have done anything contrary to God's commands.

We have with us records of the Medina Charter, the various letters sent by the Prophet to other leaders and also the Prophet's treaties. If anything, these should be the real hadith. But strangely, none of these treaties, constitutions etc. are made binding on us or given much credence, even by the hadith writers themselves. However, it is only the Quran that is binding upon us all, for all time. The status of the Medina Charter, for example, is the status of a legal precedent. It is not binding on us because in it the Prophet applied Quranic principles of administration to seventh century Arab tribal society. Our modern nation-state can study it and learn whatever lessons we can from it.

But the hadith can still be read, just as we read other books: religious, philosophical, historical or any other kind. Whatever good teachings that can be found in them — and there are many — we can and should follow them. But those that are against historical facts, scientific facts, reason, or the Quran, are obviously unacceptable. This should be plain.

A Recurring Weakness of Mankind

History is a good teacher to mankind as it bears true testimony. So let us look at history. God sent Prophet Jesus to the children of Israel to bring them the Gospel and teach them to worship the One God. However, some three hundred years after his death, the religious leaders instituted a new doctrine not taught by him that he was the Son of God!  Before that, God send Prophet Moses to the same children of Israel with His scripture, the Torah. But a few centuries after his death, their religious leaders set up another book, the Talmud, which they followed while ignoring the Torah.

Ironically, after knowing all these, the Muslims repeated the same mistakes. God sent Prophet Muhammad – the last prophet – to mankind with His final Scripture, the grand Quran, to correct once and for all the deviations that had been made by the Jews and the Christians. But about 200 years after his death, our religious scholars set us the hadith to replace the Quran! Thus, history repeated itself!

Why did this happen? It does seem that this is mankind's perennial disease: the desire to associate God with gods. People set up idols thinking that these idols will bring them closer to God. But this is only an excuse. Actually, they set up these idols beside God because they want an illegal share in God's kingdom without having to work for it, and without having to answer for their crimes. Through these idols, they legalize their whims and fancies without paying the least regard to laws of God. This is what God has explained in the following verses:

"Additionally we have appointed for every prophet enemies from among the human devils and jinn devils, who invent and narrate to each other fancy words in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their inventions. This is God's will in order that the minds of those who do not really believe in the Hereafter may listen thereto, and accept it, and to have them commit what they are supposed to commit."

The Quran: The Final Solution to All Deviations

Before Muhammad, it was not possible to preserve God's revelations to the various communities of mankind due to certain historical and intellectual circumstances of human society. With Muhammad, however, the true scientific age of mankind began. Thus, God commissioned Muhammad to deliver His final Scripture, the Quran, not just to a specific national community but to all mankind. This scripture is not only complete, perfect and detailed, but also protected by God against human corruption. The aim of this scripture is to finally free mankind from all manner of shackles, burdens and wrong teachings as well as to lead mankind along the Path of Peace to the Light of God.

At the beginning, i.e. during a period of about three hundred years, the Muslim community adhered to the teachings of the Quran. They scaled the heights of civilization and progress so rapidly, surpassing the two superpowers of Byzantium and Persia then, that it astounded the world. They created the greatest material, intellectual and spiritual civilization at that time. The names of statesmen and administrators like caliphs Abu Bakr, Omar ibn Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib and others, military geniuses like Khalid ibn Walid and Abul `As, brilliant scientist like Al-Biruni, Al-Khwarizmi and Al-Razi, world-class philosophers like Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi and Ibn Sina, and famous historians like Al-Tabari, Al-Baladhuri and Al-Masudi are names that make the first Muslim civilization justly famous. These are names enshrined in the history of world culture. It is this supreme achievement of the first Muslim civilization that made the famous British science historian, G. Sarton, remark:

"The main task of mankind was accomplished by Muslims. The greatest philosopher, Al-Farabi, was a Muslim, the greatest mathematicians, Abu Kamil and Ibrahim ibn Sinan, were Muslims, the greatest geographer and encyclopaedist, Al-Mas`udi, was a Muslim; the greatest historian, al-Tabari, was a Muslim."

Muslims Deviation

The process of change in Muslim beliefs from the Quran to the hadith, or the Quran and hadith, with the hadith actually overshadowing the Quran, did not occur within a short period or smoothly. It took a period of about four to five centuries, beginning from the second and lasting in the sixth century of Islam. This was the period of the political infighting and the alignment of the various power-blocs among the inheritors of the Prophet's legacy.

Prior to the political and ideological conflicts, caused by nothing more than greed and pride, the Muslims had always settled their issues by referring to the Quranic teachings. Therefore, they had remained united and strong. Guided by the Quran, they did not discriminate between the weak and the powerful, the few and the many, and between factions and tribes. The Quran points out the truth and the right course of action for them to follow.

But the hadith allowed leeway for some groups to still insist on an independent course of action and attribute it to the Prophet and to God. Therefore, it was in their vested interests to tout the hadith as a source of theology and law. Beside helping the various factions to maintain a specific station, the hadith also introduces splits and diverse opinions that are always a necessary cost to giving up a unified belief and world-view. Soon after this came the factional fighting, the moral decay and the demise of the Muslim pre-eminence. That is why the Omniscient God, knowing that this would happen, in His incredible mercy to the Muslims and to mankind, put this warning in His Quran:

"The messenger will say, 'My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran.'  We thus appointed for every prophet enemies from among the criminals. God suffices as guide and protector."

We should note that God never said, and neither did the Prophet, that some day the people would desert the hadith. This is because the hadith is not the Word of God and neither is it the word of the Prophet. The hadith are merely conjectures and opinions of Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, al-Nasa`i and others who took it upon themselves to record mere stories about the Prophet and then accord these stories the labels of `authentic,' `weak,' etc. Since the Prophet had explicitly forbidden the writing down of the hadith (as witnessed by the hadith itself), therefore the hadith contradicts the teachings of the Prophet by its very existence.

It is logical, therefore, that if our intention today is to honor and follow Prophet Muhammad, we must return to his original and true teachings, i.e. the Quran, and cleanse his name of all the heresies that have been falsely attached to him. We cannot avoid this responsibility, although some of us do not like it. The Prophet himself told us that his mission was to deliver the Quran, and he himself followed the Quran and nothing but the Quran.

The negative development that has occurred in Muslim society, as we have stated above, is due to the general human weakness of wanting to idolize human beings. In their history human beings have idolized prophets, saints, religious scholars and priests, leaders, material wealth, their own egos and, of course, lifeless idols. This mistake has been committed by all religious communities, not excepting the Muslims. The best way to avoid and overcome this weakness is to apply Islamic scientific criticism to all beliefs, theories, philosophies and man-made systems and towards all public figures, as explained in Chapter 1. Only in this way can we separate truth from falsehood and make the truth uppermost and falsehood low.

The confusion surrounding this talk is a clear evidence of the Muslims' servile and unquestioning adherence to traditional religious authorities. If the Muslims, particularly their leaders and intelligentsia, had held fast to God's command not to accept anything without verification, to listen to all views and follow the best, and to apply Islamic scientific criticism towards all important theological works, it is certain this taqlid regime would not have lasted for seven centuries. In my opinion, the re-evaluation of the whole Islamic heritage is one of the biggest tasks that has to be undertaken by the Muslims.

The Quran Promises Salvation to Mankind Again Humanity Ultimately Headed Towards The Quran

The Quran informs us that the monotheistic religion, named by God as `Islam' (meaning `peace' or `surrender'), is taught by all prophets of God. It begins from Adam, through Idris, Noah and Abraham (who was given the religious practices of prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage), and handed down to Moses, Jesus and ending with Prophet Muhammad, when the Divine teachings to mankind were completed, perfected and forever protected in His final Scripture, the Grand Quran. Although the religion is the same, the laws introduced by Muhammad are different from those brought by Jesus and Moses. This is due to the different social conditions. While at the times of Moses and Jesus, human society was tribal and still at a lower social evolution, with Muhammad it was entering a period of the international society and scientific-technological era.

For that reason, the most important feature of the new laws is the liberation of mankind from all forms of superstitions and wrong beliefs. This liberating feature of the law is stated thus in the Quran:

...God said, "My retribution afflicts whomever I will, and My mercy encompasses all things. However, I shall designate it for those who work righteousness, give to charity and believe in Our revelations. Also for those who follow the messenger, the Gentile prophet, whom they find written in their Torah and Gospel. He exhorts them to work righteousness and refrain from evil, and he permits for them the good things and prohibits the bad, and he unloads the burden of their covenant and remove the chains that bind them. Thus, those who believe in him, honor him and follow the light that was sent down to him, they are the winners."

By this message, God freed the Prophet Muhammad and his followers from the restrictions and covenants of the past. With this type of freedom thrust upon them, together with the illuminating magnificence of the Quran to guide them, the Prophet and his followers went on, within a very short space of 300 years, to build a civilization that is yet unparalleled in terms of the rapidity of its advancement and in terms of the justice of its laws.

At a time when Europe was in the Dark Age, the Muslims founded an intellectual and material civilization that would serve as the model and source of knowledge for the rise of modern Europe later. But it would be a Europe that would inherit the mantle from the Muslims. The knowledge founded by the Muslims was the spark that would ignite Europe. Europe would develop further on this borrowed knowledge and build up a leadership in the intellectual arena that perhaps has not been surpassed till this day. The Muslims, on the other hand, settled into a complacency that would smother them until today and perhaps for some time to come. The Muslims have ignored the source of their greatness and instead have shackled themselves with superstitious and silly ideas. The teachings of the Quran have been almost completely put aside. Today, with the hadith in their hands, the Muslims are still groping in the dark. They can only exaggerate and fall back upon the memory of a great past that now escapes them.

The Twin-Deviation of the Modern World

However, Europe has also faltered. After waking up with a vengeance from the suffocating strangulation of the Church, Kant's stirring exhortation to "Dare to know" helped to sever the Church from all `worldly' affairs. There began the distinction between the secular and the spiritual. Western civilization has therefore crippled itself. The complete severing of ties with God opened a Pandora's box of ideologies and humanism that has brought the West to the present relativistic ideologies and philosophies with nothing permanent or true to hold on to.

We can thus denigrate the West. But what about the Muslims? Between the turbans and the modern suits and even the post-modern Islamists, the common denominator is the empty rhetoric which, without any material and intellectual backing to it, these Muslims are perhaps in a worse-off situation than the West.  At least, the West has some tangible benefits which it can call its own. Let us remind ourselves again of the old warning: "The messenger will say, `My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran.'

Not only the Muslims, but the Christians, the Jews and everyone else have yet to live up to the lofty moral and intellectual position that God has assigned to them. The Prophet and the Quran were sent as a blessing and a guidance for all mankind. While the West has adorned itself with the material successes of its humanism, the Muslims have choked themselves with the alleged spirituality of the hadith and their `Muslim fundamentalism.' All of this is surely wrong. We all need to return to the Quran — now.  Muslims especially need to read the Quran — just to read it in any language of their choice if a translation exists in that language. Nowadays, the Quran is available in most world languages. What is important is to make each of us communicate directly with the written words of God Himself. No matter how many books of hadith we read, it cannot compare with even one word of the Quran. Even if truly authentic, the hadith are only the words of a mortal human being. On the other hand, even one Word of the Quran is still the Word of God.

Humanity Ultimately Headed Towards The Quran

"This is the path of God, Who possesses everything in the heavens and the earth. To God all matters ultimately return."

Uptil now, human beings have been struggling and are still struggling and groping in the dark to find a solution and achieve a stable form of conducting their lives.  Till now, everything has failed us. As we mentioned earlier, secular humanism, encompassing everything from liberalism to Marxism, is collapsing. All the holding on to rather man-made religions (including the current practices of Christianity, Judaism and Islam) have all failed us. So what is going to replace this large gap in human society?

This twentieth century human anguish has been poignantly expressed by the Irish poet, William Butler Yeats:

"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lacks all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand."

Surely the Second Coming is at hand! But the second coming is none other than the return of a Book, the Quran, the spirit of God in written form, the Scripture that was for a brief period with the Muslims and then was rejected for more than a thousand years.  Despite the agnosticism and the atheism of logical positivism or dialectical materialism, there has always been a strong undercurrent of theism running through all of modern thinking. Man is always yearning for his real God.

In the last four to five decades this theistic stream of thought is gaining momentum. A professor of philosophy has written:

"The philosophy of nature is thus part of the area of overlap between science and philosophy as species of knowledge. Modern science has progressed beyond the empirical attitude and tends to become philosophical. Meanwhile modern philosophy has more and more become allied to the sciences and our foremost philosophers are eminent scientific figures. This is no new situation in the history of thought .... But the movement begun at the Renaissance, in reaction against the theological tyranny of the Middle Ages, to split off the sciences as disciplines independent of philosophy, has now come full circle, as science in the course of its own independent investigations, has come to adopt a philosophical position which is at the same time integral to the body of scientific theory ... Similarly, the 19th-century conflict between science and religion has passed away ... the existence of God is the absolute and most indispensable presupposition of science, and so far from there being an alienation of science from religion in the modern era, there is and can only be the closest rapprochement between them if both scientific and religious concepts are rightly interpreted ..."

The same thing is also happening in Islam. Despite the heresy of certain concepts like taqlid or blind imitation that have been dominant since the 12th century, there has always been a strong anti-taqlid movement that has manifested itself through the likes of Ibn Rush (d. 1198), Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406) and Shah Waliyullah (d. 1762). The anti-taqlid movement obtained its strongest impetus from the reform movement of Muhammad Abduh towards the end of the nineteenth century. It is most likely that within a short period of a few decades, the anti-taqlid movement in Islam and the theistic spirit that is growing in Europe will unite and return to the Quran in its entirety. This is a real possibility.

"Return to the Quran" — this is the most fitting slogan for the people of Muhammad, because it is the Quran which is the message that he brought to mankind, and because it is the most appropriate response to his famous complaint in the Quran. But, once again, a return to the Quran does not mean that we destroy all the books of hadith and all the books of the religious scholars, nor do we mean that we no longer need the religious scholars. It only means that we must refer to the Quran alone as infallible guidance for our conduct. As regards other books, be they books of hadith, books of religious scholars, books of the Marxist school or of the liberal school, we shall use our discriminating faculty either to accept or reject, partially or totally, their interpretations, explanations and recommendations in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and the needs of modern life. Our religious scholars who, all this while, have been trained according to the medieval method of rote learning only in religious knowledge, must master the important sciences, according to the modern critical and historical method, to enable them to have an integrated knowledge of the world. The same thing applies to the secular intelligentsia: they too must muster the religious sciences. Only such people can be called 'ulema,' or learned.

In conclusion, we can say that Muslims have two major tasks that they must undertake.

Firstly, they must evaluate critically everything that has been inherited from their Islamic tradition, in strict accordance with the bidding of the Quran.

Secondly, Muslims have to learn to accept things that are from outside their fold but which by themselves are inherently good and therefore originate from God.  Modern Western civilization and the other Eastern civilizations have discovered many good things through much effort and pain. We too can learn from these civilizations, if there is any good to be learnt.

If Muslims can learn to do these two things, then they can go on to the third and final task. To build the second Islamic civilization that will doubtless be far superior to the first because it will be the combined efforts of all united humanity. All these three tasks are inter-related. Our Muslim thinkers must also seek to reach out to those intellectuals and thinkers in other faiths and cultures, for they also seek to do good in the world. They must cooperate with the followers of other religions, those "who believe in God and the Last Day and do good," in order to carry out the major tasks of humanity at the closing decade of the twentieth century and in the coming twenty first.

There will be no Second Coming of Christ and neither will there be any superhuman savior to save the world. Our salvation lies in our own hands and through applying the teachings of the Quran creatively and scientifically.

This is a task which we must embark upon. There is no need at all to feel intimidated or over-awed. We must take courage, inspiration and encouragement from Words of God Himself:

"I have made it a duty upon Myself to give victory to the believers.

He is the One who sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, to make it prevail over all religions. God suffices as witness.

Say, `The truth has come, and falsehood vanished. Surely, falsehood is destined to vanish.'

God has decreed, `I and My messengers, will always win.' God is Powerful, Almighty."

The Prophet and his followers were people who firmly believed in these Divine promises, held on tight to the Quran, His revelations, and scaled the heights of success, as no human community had done before. Following him and the early Muslim generations, we can also achieve success, far greater than any human society had ever achieved.

P.S This post is also available in Islamic Issues board, divided in 4 parts for convenience of the reader.
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N. Truth Seeker
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« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2007, 03:02:28 am »

wonderfully written.  great chronological arrangement.  it paints a complete picture of our history from the time of the Prophet's (pbuh) birth to date.  i've read a little of Kassem's writings in his blog at blogspot and his biography by Bakri Musa.  i realize such people, though very special, are generally ignored by our community.  the fact that such beautiful thoughts are banned in malaysia (which is supposed to be among the few progressive Muslim states) shows to what depths the Ummah has fallen.  may God have mercy, ameen. 

Thank u for this dynamic piece zeynab.
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Heba E. Husseyn
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« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2007, 03:20:12 am »

I finished reading this between yesterday and today.  I quote persian .. it's truly dynamic.  the style of writing is gentle and respectful.  yet, i was disappointed to know why it was banned in a country like malaysia.  I particularly liked the author's optimism about the Muslim nation again returning to the Quran alone some day in future (InshAllah).  But frankly, I don't think it'll ever happen again.  The more people I meet and talk to in our community, the more pessimistic I get about this goal.  The other day I received a video from IslamicTube about the importance growing beards.  It's taken another dark step behind.  they now say beard isn't sunnah but fard.  *S I G H*  That's how far away we are from our goal.
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TEAM MV Founder
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« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2007, 03:24:30 am »

The other day I received a video from IslamicTube about the importance growing beards.  It's taken another dark step behind.  they now say beard isn't sunnah but fard.  *S I G H*  That's how far away we are from our goal.


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iwan rse

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« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2012, 02:37:32 am »

wonderfully written.  great chronological arrangement.  it paints a complete picture of our history from the time of the Prophet's (pbuh) birth to date.  i've read a little of Kassem's writings in his blog at blogspot and his biography by Bakri Musa.  i realize such people, though very special, are generally ignored by our community.  the fact that such beautiful thoughts are banned in malaysia (which is supposed to be among the few progressive Muslim states) shows to what depths the Ummah has fallen.  may God have mercy, ameen. 

Thank u for this dynamic piece zeynab.

his text available here :

Malaysia is not progressive Muslim states when come to Islam practise. In Malaysia the student is not allowed to read Al Quran alone. It is said that if a student read quran alone without ulema before them, shaytan will be with them when they read quran to misguide them crazyones

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TEAM MV Founder
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« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2012, 03:00:44 am »

Yeah I know, Malaysia is going crazy.  But Kassim Ahmed doesn't nurture the typical Malaysian ideas on Islam .. so I gather from most of his works such as this one.
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iwan rse

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« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2012, 06:42:13 am »

It's taken another dark step behind.  they now say beard isn't sunnah but fard.  *S I G H*  That's how far away we are from our goal.

My country famous ulema and quran mufasseer quraish shihab dont even include beard in Muhammad description in his book (no one notice it though since in our nation we dont care about thing like this). Who knows if the prohet dont have beard at all ?

well well what next ? beard inquisition ?  crazyones
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iwan rse

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« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2012, 07:42:03 am »

Yeah I know, Malaysia is going crazy.  But Kassim Ahmed doesn't nurture the typical Malaysian ideas on Islam .. so I gather from most of his works such as this one.

And he declared apostate. Malaysia have anti-murtad (anti apostate) law which apostatee will be thrown to jail. the hardliner PAS party said the law is too soft and they want death sentence for the Malaysian Quran-only leaders (Kassim Ahmad and  Othman Ali. It never happened but I heard a number of Quranic there being jailed....

Something unique with Malaysian Quranist sometimes use Malay language in their shalaat prayer because according Quran those who shalaat but dont understand what he read maybe will send to wail inferno (as per Al maaun)
They also dont go to mosque, which I dont think is right...but then probably the way they do shalat is different and could be problematic if they go to mosque

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TEAM MUSLIM VILLA The Avid Reader | Mom of 3 cute rascals
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« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2012, 01:26:57 am »

I think beard is a matter of personal choice.  I agree, there's no reliable evidence if the beloved Prophet (SAW) had a beard or not.  This only comes from the man-written hadith which is heavily tainted. 

Btw, what's "shalaat ?"
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iwan rse

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« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2012, 02:11:58 am »

I think beard is a matter of personal choice.  I agree, there's no reliable evidence if the beloved Prophet (SAW) had a beard or not.  This only comes from the man-written hadith which is heavily tainted. 

Btw, what's "shalaat ?"

I means shalat i;e 5 times prayer... in Indonesia and Malaysia we call it shalat
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TEAM MUSLIM VILLA The Avid Reader | Mom of 3 cute rascals
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« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2012, 02:23:11 am »

Oh!  okay, we call it salaat.
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iwan rse

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« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2012, 09:39:05 pm »

Yeah I know, Malaysia is going crazy.  But Kassim Ahmed doesn't nurture the typical Malaysian ideas on Islam .. so I gather from most of his works such as this one.

yes, but he and the rest of malaysian quranic are a bit careless though. They didnt aware that the khalifa 19 theory is a hoax, they misinterpretate the 'split the moon' verse and said it happened before doomsday, not during Muhammad era. Also Edip Yuksel is editor and publisher of Kassim Ahmed book, I hopes he dont influence Kassim too much...

Those Malaysian quranic including Kassim Ahmad believe that Muhammad is not the last Rasul (messenger)...because the verse you know very well (that Muhammad is Allah messenger and the final prophets). They believe that Allah still send rasuls to refresh ppl memory. In the other hand, unlike khalifa, none of them think or declare themselves as a new messenger

The Malaysian Quranist website (other than Kassim) is e-bacaan here
unfortunately only minority is available compared to the one in malay language.

A very good article in e-bacaan is their debate with mainstream ulema who declare them apostate

the good thing is they are very open minded. If you find there is something wrong with their thought you can simply tell them and they will response rather quickly

so they are mixed bag, 90% of the stuff are very good, but they misinterprete one or two things....
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TEAM MV Founder
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« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2012, 10:47:54 pm »

Yes, I did hear Kassim Ahmed was somewhat tolerant with Khalifa.  But then I also read a blog comment of his that he only takes those bits of Khalifa's works which conform with the Quran. 

You will find that whatever bit of works we have put up here of Kassim Ahmed has nothing to do with Khalifa.  All those are his independent works that tally with the principles of the Noble Quran as we see it.  We have only put up Kassim Ahmed's outlook on Hadith and how this annexation came about.

We here completely disagree and trash Khalifa's No.19 hoax.  The Khalifa ideology has aboslutely NO place here neither do we allow Khalifa supporters in our forum.
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Heba E. Husseyn
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« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2012, 10:54:37 pm »

Also, Rashid Khalifah was NOT a Quran alone follower.  He wrote his own "hadiths" and called himself a savior similar to Mahdi and nurtured other similar theatrical ideas.  He was very definitely losing his mind like Bukhari. 
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« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2012, 02:09:22 pm »


Throughout beginning to end it's quality to read thought provoking ,eye opener,very truthfully delivered message ,beautifully unveiled the ugly face of false history and hypocrisy involved ..No Doubt Hadith Literature Is Irreparable Damage Of Islam..
By witnessing the regrettable consequences of the acceptance of the hadiths as a source of religion,Individually every muslim should better realize and see the absolute necessity of returning to the only source of Islam "The Quran " The direct words of Allah ,flawless, free from all contradictions until the end of time and a guarded and protected Book. .Alhamdulillah position of  Noble Quran is above then any other men-made book ,false hadith literature...

I am Quoting from this article for those ulma's and followers of Hadith literatur who claim their love for prophet muhammad !!

today is to honor and follow Prophet Muhammad, we must return to his original and true teachings, i.e. the Quran, and cleanse his name of all the heresies that have been falsely attached to him. We cannot avoid this responsibility, although some of us do not like it. The Prophet himself told us that his mission was to deliver the Quran, and he himself followed the Quran and nothing but the Quran...

And (bethink you of) the day when We raise in every nation a witness against them of their own folk, and We bring thee (Muhammad) as a witness against these. And We reveal the Scripture unto thee as an exposition of all things, and a guidance and a mercy and good tidings for those who have surrendered (to Allah). 16:89

And My humble friendly advice to all muslim brothers and sister's dear readers  it's late But not too late yet to recover ur OWN loss   ...Don't let urself become a victim. , regret everything u said ,promote or support which is against Quran and Prophet Muhammad(pbuh),Let not be urself shameful on the day of judgement in front of prophet Muhammad(pbuh)..

@ honestly this article is very appealing for the mind for think,full of light ,guideline and convincing too for those who have brain .. so read it and send it around wake up ummah and work on urself

May Allah guide this ummah ameen.

Thank u so much sister zeynab for the recommendation of this post  i will read the rest more posts soon inshallah Smiley
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Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah? Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph.9:111

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