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Reward of Women in Paradise

September 28, 2024, 01:32:32 pm Heba E. Husseyn: Martyrdom of Syyed Hassan Nasrallah on Sept.27, 2024. Don't miss our blog post @ Zainabs Lounge.
July 16, 2024, 07:48:21 pm Zainab_M: The 10th of Muharram 1446 (Ashura) has arrived (Juky16).
Pls know it is about Hussein not Abu Huraira nor the Jewish exodus.
Pls read:
- Who was Hussein?
- Did the Prophet (S) fast
on 10th Muharram?

April 02, 2024, 07:27:22 pm Heba E. Husseyn: Details on Leila tul Qadr every Ramadan, links HERE.
November 01, 2023, 03:44:32 pm Zainab_M: Allahhuma ameen .. ameen.
November 01, 2023, 03:43:43 pm Ruhi_Rose: Yes .. making lots of dua everyday ..... watching those real life video clips, my face feels wet with tears all the time.  May ALLAH grant the best to these wonderful, brave & steadfast martyrs,  Ameen ya Allah.
November 01, 2023, 03:38:26 pm Zainab_M: Keep praying, praying a lot for Gaza. It's worse than a prison .. it's a concentration camp.  Children as young as 10 or 11 are having to care for their younger siblings ages 2, 3 and 4 becoz many have lost both parents.  It's a very, very, very tearful situation there.
October 26, 2023, 03:40:19 pm N. Truth Seeker: Don't forget to look up MV Blog Zainab's Lounge for our Gaza updates.
October 20, 2023, 04:24:44 pm Zainab_M: Right sister Heba.  Gaza hospital bombing has the fingerprints of Israel all over it.  For Israel this is no big crime.  They have done this and much worse many times in the past and intend to do the same and worse many more times in near future.
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Author Topic: Reward of Women in Paradise  (Read 3263 times)
Hero Member
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« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2012, 04:49:52 am »


okay i undersatnd Smiley  yes ulma's purposely quiet beacuse !!
my sister if imam ,ulma's accept it and declare the truth !!! There will be no more attraction in suicide bombing for so-called jihadies. IF ulma denied the existence of houri ONLY as female how can they convince  brain-washed stupid's to commit suicide ?? who really dying for nothing ,killing innocents for nothing Allah have never promise such things in Noble Quran NOT 72 houri's for martyr neither extra bonus  of one houri for sex service for any true believer.And if ulma's accept that' hur ''are both genders which is clearly mention in quran with the evidence of (hawari's of prophet isa pbuh) as pur companions for both believers(men and women) women's will get equal status that's something ulma's can't do

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Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah? Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph.9:111
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« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2012, 02:02:38 pm »


check these  both tribal site providing horrible informations totally against the Quranic values


Description of al-hoor al-‘iyn in the Qur’aan and Sunnah


 Hoors (hoor Al-ayn/hurs)* of Jannah (paradise) in Light of the Holy Quran and Hadiths

i am sharing few more points and verse analysis i have read in these sites  Smiley

NO-WHERE in Quran does Allah specifically refer to males, when it comes to the rewards given in heaven


وَبَشِّرِ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أَنَّ لَهُمْ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ كُلَّمَا رُزِقُوا مِنْهَا مِن ثَمَرَةٍ رِّزْقًا قَالُوا هَٰذَا الَّذِي رُزِقْنَا مِن قَبْلُ وَأُتُوا بِهِ مُتَشَابِهًا وَلَهُمْ فِيهَا أَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ وَهُمْ فِيهَا



And give glad tidings (O Muhammad) unto those who believe and do good works; that theirs are Gardens underneath which rivers flow; as often as they are regaled with food of the fruit thereof, they say: this is what was given us aforetime; and it is given to them in resemblance. There for them are pure companions; there for ever they abide.2:25


قُلْ أَؤُنَبِّئُكُم بِخَيْرٍ مِّن ذَٰلِكُمْ لِلَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ جَنَّاتٌ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا وَأَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ وَرِضْوَانٌ مِّنَ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ بَصِيرٌ بِالْعِبَادِ

وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ سَنُدْخِلُهُمْ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا أَبَدًا لَّهُمْ فِيهَا أَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ وَنُدْخِلُهُمْ ظِلًّا ظَلِيلًا



Notice the verses say: "those who believe and work righteousness." This INCLUDES females as well as males. So, in context, they (males and females) will have companions PURE  meaning that even the females will get partners in heaven. It does NOT specifically refer to males ALONE, it refers to both male and females. The Arabic word used in these 3 above verses for "companions" is: "azwajun"  which I have already shown & proved above means "spouses" mates," which refer to both genders


The Arabic used for "associates" in this verse is: "azwajukum"  which is literally derived from the root word "Zawj", which literally means "pairs/companions."
give in marriage


زوّج ‎(zawwaja) (verb form II)

1. to pair, to couple, to join in pairs
2. to double, to geminate
3. to marry off, to give in marriage

ازدوج ‎(izdawaja) (verb form VIII)

1. to be in pairs, to be doubled, to appear twice

زوج (zawj) m., زوجة f., ازواج ('azwaj) pl.

1. one of a pair
2. husband, wife, mate, partner
3. couple, pairزوج



نتيجة البحث عن
unite in marriage

join in marriage

to marry a man and a lady to each other

to find a husband or wife for someone


Also, in Arabic a husband and a wife are called "Azwaj", "Azwajan" and/or "Zawjan", which is another similar word that is derived from "Zawj".

 surah ya'sin 36:56

هُمْ وَأَزْوَاجُهُمْ فِي ظِلَالٍ عَلَى الْأَرَائِكِ مُتَّكِئُونَ

Yusuf Ali

They and their associates will be in groves of (cool) shade, reclining on Thrones (of dignity);


So, "associates" does NOT specifically means "wives" it means spouses/pairs, which refers to both genders, and this is the correct translation of this Arabic word.


Muhammad Asad also translated the Arabic word "aazwajuhum" into "spouses" because it refers to both male and female.


in happiness will they and their spouses on couches recline."


Spouses refer to BOTH male and female, not just females


surah  as-saffat 37:48

وَعِندَهُمْ قَاصِرَاتُ الطَّرْفِ عِينٌ

And with them are those of modest gaze, with lovely eyes,
Yusuf Ali

And besides them will be chaste women, restraining their glances, with big eyes (of wonder and beauty).

 Yusuf Ali's translation  is Not accurate translation. In Surah Saffat 37:48, the Arabic used is: "qasirat at-tarf"  which means: "such as restrain their gaze" which refers to BOTH male and female. Yusuf Ali refers it to women, yet the Arabic does NOT specifically refer that. The Arabic for "women" is NOT in the Arabic text; it is the translator's own error here

surah Saad 38:52

وَعِندَهُمْ قَاصِرَاتُ الطَّرْفِ أَتْرَابٌ

And with them are those of modest gaze, companions. 38:52

Yusuf Ali
And beside them will be chaste women restraining their glances, (companions) of equal age.38:52

Muhammad Asad

having beside them well-matched mates of modest gaze.”


Yusuf Ali, which is of a less accurate translation. The Arabic for "women" is NOT in the Arabic text; it is the translator's own error here. The Arabic word used in Surah Sad 38:52 is: "atrabun"  which does NOT specifically mean females. The correct meanings are: "companions" or "mates."


more mistranslation of surah waqiah

 56:35   إِنَّا أَنشَأْنَاهُنَّ إِنشَاءً

Inna ansha/nahunna inshaan


Lo! We have created them a (new) creation


[We] have produced them

There is no support from the verse for the often mistranslations that this is referring to the virgin
 wives of the believing men. The verse is clear that it is dealing with the companions of the right hand
56:36   فَجَعَلْنَاهُنَّ أَبْكَارًا

And made them virgins
Arabic: Abkaran 
Root BKR

BKR - A virgin - anything untouched, new, fresh

As you can see, the term "virgin" does NOT fall specifically on a certain gender. It refers to both genders.. Quran was written in Arabic NOT English. The reasons why people get the idea and "presume" that "hoor/houri" is ONLY feminine,  which is a MISTRANSLATION.


Lovers, friends, 56:37


where is word (women) ??? who said men are not lover friendly ,devoted ??

ulma and houri lovers are NOT  listed in following qualities

sister zeynab i have same definition of hur ,i have cut pieces from dictionary try to posting here but unable  ????
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Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah? Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph.9:111
TEAM MUSLIM VILLA The Avid Reader | Mom of 3 cute rascals
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« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2012, 08:40:34 pm »


okay i undersatnd Smiley  yes ulma's purposely quiet beacuse !!
my sister if imam ,ulma's accept it and declare the truth !!! There will be no more attraction in suicide bombing for so-called jihadies. IF ulma denied the existence of houri ONLY as female how can they convince  brain-washed stupid's to commit suicide ?? who really dying for nothing ,killing innocents for nothing Allah have never promise such things in Noble Quran NOT 72 houri's for martyr neither extra bonus  of one houri for sex service for any true believer.And if ulma's accept that' hur ''are both genders which is clearly mention in quran with the evidence of (hawari's of prophet isa pbuh) as pur companions for both believers(men and women) women's will get equal status that's something ulma's can't do

Walaikm Salam.  Exactly sister.  The so-called ulemas and imams have simply embellished their personal fantasies as official interpretations of the atmosphere in Paradise.  They forget the seriousness of their violation is attributing figments of their imagination to Jannat only for the purpose to comforting their minds and yes .. it also acts as an incentive to recruit suicide bombers.  What's really sad is that these lies of the ulemas float around as the face of Islam and provide excuses to the critics to attack Islam. 
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TEAM MUSLIM VILLA The Avid Reader | Mom of 3 cute rascals
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« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2012, 08:48:27 pm »

Thanks for providing more detailed information dear sister Muslima.  I checked the first link and will InshAllah check the second one too, very soon.  The misinterpretations are circulated by the ulemas and translators by writing the words in the brackets of the translations.  E.g.  After the word "hoor" they write in bracket (fair females).  First they misinterpret the word "fair" which actually means sincere into fair skin color.  And secondly, they add the word 'female' which is completely unwarranted in the Quran as in most verses "hoor" in genderless because it could be either male or female companion for the righteous. 

And you are absolutely right, Yusuf Ali's translations are not reliable at all.  Yusuf Ali was a staunch follower of Hadith and all his translations attempt to bring Hadithist ideas into the Quran. 

We have compiled both your detailed write-ups and will soon work to make a complete article on it.  When we make it we will send it to you through MV private messaging InshAllah, so you can check it and make any corrections you want. 
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« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2012, 05:10:35 am »

ok sister ruhi Smiley thanks for reading and reply
May Allah bless u guys  i know it will be perfect sister zeynab have power of pen and exact words for topic  rdht
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Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah? Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph.9:111

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