Title: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: Zainab_M on October 28, 2006, 03:44:35 am salamem People often ask about women's reward in Paradise. I have heard much about the opinion of those who think that the Qur'an emphasises upon the pleasures of Paradise only from a man's perspective. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and to understand why, one only needs to read the Glorious Qur'an carefully and reflect a little. The truth is that human existence in Paradise will be hugely different from our earthly life .. in a positive sense of course. There will be no feelings of pain, resentment, jealousies and hostilities. There will be no exhaustion from fatigue, no heat of the sun, no biting cold to cause discomfort, no feelings of stomach-burning hunger and plenty of nourishing food and drink to satisfy our taste buds. Various earthly concepts, including the concept of beauty, differ vastly from the ones in Paradise. When Adam and his wife were dwelling in Paradise before their expulsion, they were naked without clothes. At that time this wasn't considered shameful because it was an accepted norm of that state of bliss. Their shame only became apparent to them after they were duped by Satan into eating the fruit of the forbidden tree. Only then did their state of existence change as per the Divine rules, and the transformed state of existence was clearly similar to the earthly existence. That's when they experienced embarrassment and began to hide their nakedness. "And Adam and his wife ate of it, so that their shame became apparent unto them, and they began to hide by heaping on themselves some of the leaves of the Garden. And Adam disobeyed his Rab and erred." (20:121) Another example .. "wine" as mentioned of being given to the dwellers of Paradise will be completely different and NOT the kind of earthly intoxicating drink one would assume according to earthly notions. "There they pass from hand to hand a cup wherein is neither vanity nor cause of sin." (52:23) "They are given to drink of a pure wine, sealed, Whose seal is musk. For this let (all) those strive who strive for bliss" (83:25 & 26) The purpose of the companions in Paradise is to promote the pleasantness of the surroundings, NOT in the sexual sense for gratifying carnal desires as one would presume from the perspective of worldly life. Most importantly, Paradise being a place without any hard feelings and jealousy, there are no concepts of gender superiority nor any such competitive intentions. Similarly, the description of beauty of the hosts in Paradise do not carry the same connotation as it would in this world. For example, Allah often describes them as "fair ones with wide, lovely eyes." "And (there are) fair ones with wide, lovely eyes, Like unto hidden pearls," (56:22 & 23) While according to worldly concepts we would take this only as descriptive of female beauty, in Paradise it would be descriptive of the charm of female as well as male-attendants. Most such verses of the Qur'an do not specify the gender except a few. Similarly, there are also a few verses that specifically refer to the charm of male youths who will be the "men-servants" of Paradise. "And there go round, waiting on them menservants of their own, as they were hidden pearls." (52:24) It is a very earthly tradition that considers it necessary to describe the charm of women in a different style from that of men. Furthermore, poetry, fantasy, romance and movies have strengthened this culture with time into an accepted and established vocal and written norm. But this culture starts and ends in this world only. In the Hereafter it will be different where all hosts of Paradise carry qualities of beauty and charm granted from the Standard perceived by The Almighty, and needless to say, that is the best Standard. The atmosphere and rules of Paradise differ completely from what we are accustomed to thinking and presuming here. The existence in Paradise cannot and should not be judged according to worldly thoughts, concepts and ideas. Being an incorrect analogy, this would only provide a wrong approach in answering queries and thus lead to inaccurate, incorrect and biased conclusions. There is absolutely nothing in the Glorious Qur'an that states (or even remotely suggests) that women who will enter Paradise will not be entitled to enjoy the clean company of pleasant companions. The following verses are some of the examples that do not specify the gender of the hosts of Jannah. As we read the Glorious Qur'an, we find many more verses that indicate the same aspect. It would be a total misinterpretation to presume that the following verses refer only to reward for men. "And as for those who believe and do good works, We shall make them enter Gardens underneath which rivers flow to dwell therein for ever; there for them are pure companions and We shall make them enter plenteous shade." (4:57) "And give glad tidings (O Muhammad) unto those who believe and do good works; that theirs are Gardens underneath which rivers flow; as often as they are regaled with food of the fruit thereof, they say: This is what was given us aforetime; and it is given to them in resemblance. There for them are pure companions; there for ever they abide." (2:25) "Say: Shall I inform you of something better than that? For those who keep from evil, with their Rab, are Gardens underneath which rivers flow, and pure companions, and contentment from Allah. Allah is Seer of His bondmen." (3:15) "There wait on them immortal youths With bowls and ewers and a cup from a pure spring" (56:17 & 18) "There serve them youths of everlasting youth, whom, when you see, you would take for scattered pearls." (76:19) And of course, the Qur'an has highlighted throughout that the reward for good deeds in Paradise will be given to both men and women alike. The Noble Qur'an is the epitome of justice and there is NO room for bias in it. "And whoso does good works, whether of male or female, and he (or she) is a believer, such will enter Paradise and they will not be wronged the dint in a date-stone." (4:124) Needless to explain, in Verses like "Every man is a pledge for that which he hath earned." (52:21) - "Every man" refers to all mankind (or all human beings) and not just to the male gender. And only Allah knows the truth of every matter .. Related posts: - Reward of Martyrs (http://muslimvilla.smfforfree.com/index.php?topic=467.0) - Reward and punishment have various grades (http://muslimvilla.smfforfree.com/index.php?topic=3123.0) - Why wasn't any woman chosen as a prophet? (http://muslimvilla.smfforfree.com/index.php?topic=1949.msg5598#msg5598) Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: Ruhi_Rose on November 26, 2008, 08:46:04 pm Another brilliant work, sister. Alhumdulilah. I just found it now when I was checking for some info on Riba. I think I must start studying our Quran and Islamic issue boards from the last pages. I still haven't checked some of the earlier posts that are absolutely great!
Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: N. Truth Seeker on December 02, 2008, 03:00:35 pm MaashAllah, superb piece, sister zeynab. and I must say, it's a very unique topic to write on even though it's really important because majority of our brothers and sisters have this gross misconception that romantic relationships in Paradise will be the same as those on earth. Your writings have presented a spectacular clarification. Praise be to Allah.
I must send this good work around on email. Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: Heba E. Husseyn on March 11, 2011, 02:19:39 am Fantastic post .... I don't know how I missed this one for so long.
Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: muslima on October 21, 2012, 04:26:20 am salamem
And they have no knowledge thereof. They follow but a guess, and lo! a guess can never take the place of the truth.53:28 Beshak ! Glorified is He, and High Exalted above what they say 17:43 rdht Lo! men who surrender unto Allah, and women who surrender, and men who believe and women who believe, and men who obey and women who obey, and men who speak the truth and women who speak the truth, and men who persevere (in righteousness) and women who persevere, and men who are humble and women who are humble, and men who give alms and women who give alms, and men who fast and women who fast, and men who guard their modesty and women who guard (their modesty), and men who remember Allah much and women who remember - Allah hath prepared for them forgiveness and a vast reward 33:35 Mashallah sister Zeynab brillent post almost every women find this injustice that men will get bonus of houri, infect if anyone ask to imam or aalim they respond women will get every thing except houri because same gender is usless for women and Allah does not reveal everything becaues of modesty and shyness ^:( do they know the meaning of modesty and shyness ?? My question to so-called ulma and scholars ?? The arabic experts !! Q:1 where is writen in Qurn that Allah is addressing men Only ? or send down Quran only for men ?? who ever believe in houri as female only i said he or she never understand a single verse of quran Q:2 Are disciples of prophet isa (as) hawari are female's ??? if hoor mean ONLY female ?? the disciples/apostles/companions of Jesus /Allah's helper for prophet isa (as) (see "hawariyyun" in 3:52, 5:111, 5:112 ,61:14) 3:52 فَلَمَّا أَحَسَّ عِيسَىٰ مِنْهُمُ الْكُفْرَ قَالَ مَنْ أَنْصَارِي إِلَى اللَّهِ ۖ قَالَ الْحَوَارِيُّونَ نَحْنُ أَنْصَارُ اللَّهِ آمَنَّا بِاللَّهِ وَاشْهَدْ بِأَنَّا مُسْلِمُونَ 5:111 وَإِذْ أَوْحَيْتُ إِلَى الْحَوَارِيِّينَ أَنْ آمِنُوا بِي وَبِرَسُولِي قَالُوا آمَنَّا وَاشْهَدْ بِأَنَّنَا مُسْلِمُونَ 5:112 إِذْ قَالَ الْحَوَارِيُّونَ يَا عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ هَلْ يَسْتَطِيعُ رَبُّكَ أَنْ يُنَزِّلَ عَلَيْنَا مَائِدَةً مِنَ السَّمَاءِ ۖ قَالَ اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ 61:14 يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُونُوا أَنْصَارَ اللَّهِ كَمَا قَالَ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ لِلْحَوَارِيِّينَ مَنْ أَنْصَارِي إِلَى اللَّهِ ۖ قَالَ الْحَوَارِيُّونَ نَحْنُ أَنْصَارُ اللَّهِ ۖ فَآمَنَتْ طَائِفَةٌ مِنْ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ وَكَفَرَتْ طَائِفَةٌ ۖ فَأَيَّدْنَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا عَلَىٰ عَدُوِّهِمْ فَأَصْبَحُوا ظَاهِرِينَ Q:3 why said men are not be beautiful or handsome ? what about prophet yusuf (pbuh) ? his beauty ? Q:4 Fair One mean ..?? who are the fair one in paradise ?? parhaps in men-made litrature so-callad hadith refer it to white /fair complexion to specify beautiful female apart the hadith blender i dont think Quran refer it to fair skin tone/fair complexion.i find this to be a little racist concept of ulma's which i am sure not from Allah it is a 100% error of human nature.dark complexion is just as beautiful as white colour ( Fair )word contain many meanings But in following verse it refer to fair and honest companion..what u say sis ?? This snces of translation fair one in to fair skin colour is opposite the divine creation,who careate every colour of skin.Allah does not give suppriorety to fair colour over any other skin colour.? fair one mean honest one NOT fair in fair skin tone .. ?? Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: Zainab_M on October 22, 2012, 01:34:18 am salamem Q:1 where is writen in Qurn that Allah is addressing men Only ? or send down Quran only for men ?? who ever believe in houri as female only i said he or she never understand a single verse of quran Walaikum Salaam dear sister Muslima. Yes, this is precisely what I meant. You got it right on. But our imams and ulemas take it for granted that all companions in Paradise will be females. They really haven't understood the Quran at all. That's because they are completely focused on Hadith which carries such notions that only men will get companions in Paradise and not women. If you ask them what kind of reward a righteous woman will get in Paradise concerning companions of the opposite gender. They will say she will meet her husband there. But what if the husband was a disbeliever and he goes to Hellfire and wife goes to Jannat? Then who will be her companion in Jannat apart from her family members if they also go to Jannat. Or, if the righteous woman was unmarried, then who will be her companion? The imams and sheikhs have no answers for this; that's because as you rightly said they haven't understood the Noble Quran and they are only focused on the Hadith. Q:2 Are disciples of prophet isa (as) hawari are female's ??? if hoor mean ONLY female ?? the disciples/apostles/companions of Jesus /Allah's helper for prophet isa (as) (see "hawariyyun" in 3:52, 5:111, 5:112 ,61:14) 3:52 فَلَمَّا أَحَسَّ عِيسَىٰ مِنْهُمُ الْكُفْرَ قَالَ مَنْ أَنْصَارِي إِلَى اللَّهِ ۖ قَالَ الْحَوَارِيُّونَ نَحْنُ أَنْصَارُ اللَّهِ آمَنَّا بِاللَّهِ وَاشْهَدْ بِأَنَّا مُسْلِمُونَ 5:111 وَإِذْ أَوْحَيْتُ إِلَى الْحَوَارِيِّينَ أَنْ آمِنُوا بِي وَبِرَسُولِي قَالُوا آمَنَّا وَاشْهَدْ بِأَنَّنَا مُسْلِمُونَ 5:112 إِذْ قَالَ الْحَوَارِيُّونَ يَا عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ هَلْ يَسْتَطِيعُ رَبُّكَ أَنْ يُنَزِّلَ عَلَيْنَا مَائِدَةً مِنَ السَّمَاءِ ۖ قَالَ اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ 61:14 يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُونُوا أَنْصَارَ اللَّهِ كَمَا قَالَ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ لِلْحَوَارِيِّينَ مَنْ أَنْصَارِي إِلَى اللَّهِ ۖ قَالَ الْحَوَارِيُّونَ نَحْنُ أَنْصَارُ اللَّهِ ۖ فَآمَنَتْ طَائِفَةٌ مِنْ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ وَكَفَرَتْ طَائِفَةٌ ۖ فَأَيَّدْنَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا عَلَىٰ عَدُوِّهِمْ فَأَصْبَحُوا ظَاهِرِينَ MashAllah, I read this carefully. And yes, I also checked Verses 3:52, 5:111, 5:112 and 61:14. The words l-ḥawāriyūna, l-ḥawāriyīna and lil'ḥawāriyyīna do occur in the Verses you mentioned, and the English translation would be disciples. I didn't know about this. Just for my information .. does the word hawariyuna come from hur? Q:3 why said men are not be beautiful or handsome ? what about prophet yusuf (pbuh) ? his beauty ? Exactly. Q:4 Fair One mean ..?? who are the fair one in paradise ?? parhaps in men-made litrature so-callad hadith refer it to white /fair complexion to specify beautiful female apart the hadith blender i dont think Quran refer it to fair skin tone/fair complexion.i find this to be a little racist concept of ulma's which i am sure not from Allah it is a 100% error of human nature.dark complexion is just as beautiful as white colour ( Fair )word contain many meanings But in following verse it refer to fair and honest companion..what u say sis ?? This snces of translation fair one in to fair skin colour is opposite the divine creation,who careate every colour of skin.Allah does not give suppriorety to fair colour over any other skin colour.? fair one mean honest one NOT fair in fair skin tone .. ?? Very correctly interpreted sister. MashAllah. Your Quranic insight is really good. Hadith interpretation of Jannat is completely wrong, racist and also vulgar. Whenever you get the time, check our post titled Why do 'Muslims' purposely distort the Quran translations? (http://muslimvilla.smfforfree.com/index.php?topic=2464.0) I saw an Islamic group at Facebook posting the very wrong translation of Verses 78:31-33. And do go through the thread of that link as well. Sister Heba and Br. PT have contributed two very nice pieces in the same thread below the main post. Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: muslima on October 22, 2012, 07:31:16 am salamem
THANK U :) yes sister the word hawariyuna come from hur i would like to share few Definitions here 1:The word "hawariyyun", which is the word Allah Almighty called Jesus( pbuh)' disciples' , it is derived from the root word "hur". So in the case of Jesus (pbuh)' disciples' Allah Almighty respected them by calling them "hawariyyun", which is plural of "huri" which is derived from the root word "hur" which means a very beautiful human-creation,faithful servants of Allah Almighty.He who has been appointed chosen and purified from all kinds of defects", "a companion and a helper So the word "hur" or "huri" in the Noble Quran and Arabic can refer to either a male or female and NOT JUST FEMALES ALONE as much i know rest Allah know the best. 2:The Arabic word 'Hur' is the plural of both the word 'Ahwar' (Masculine) and 'Hawra' (Feminine). It literally translates as "white-eyed", or persons distinguished by 'Hawar', signifying the intense whiteness of the white of an eye and intense black of the pupils. Generally, it has the significance of ‘whiteness’, ‘purity’, or ‘pure beings’. It is not ‘gender specific’ for a male audience as it is more commonly known. A better and correct rendering is ‘companions pure’. Allah have answerd every Question i feel none need to ask to any imam or sheikhs those are only follower of hadith and scholars ,they want 10000 women's around in jannah ,they want to reach their own fantasized jannah only for sex ^:( in the blindness of lust they have crossed the all limits u know ulma's named the houri's too for their followers that best of these liar will get the most sexually palyful houri ,they have give life to houri fantasy to make bloody conversation between earthly life women and houri in jannahi I was shocked when i came to know that from one of our senior . And if u ask to aalim where is writen in quran they immediately quote following verses which are badly ,purposely misinterpreted but truth is always available for those who want to know the truth i would like to share . The term ‘Hur’ is for all companions of paradise and remains genderless. Therefore, the best rendering of this term is ‘pure companions’. This further underscores the doctrine that all rewards of paradise are equally for both men and women 1)In Surah Dukhan 44: 54 كَذَٰلِكَ وَزَوَّجْنَاهُمْ بِحُورٍ عِينٍ Even so (it will be). And We shall wed them unto fair ones with wide, lovely eyes.((Arabic: Hur'in) (44:54) wazawwajnāhum And We will marry them ? النِّسَاءَ in 44:54 arabic word An-Nisa /women is not in arabic text no place to refer it for women ONLY 2) In Surah Al-Tur 52:20 مُتَّكِئِينَ عَلَىٰ سُرُرٍ مَصْفُوفَةٍ ۖ وَزَوَّجْنَاهُمْ بِحُورٍ عِينٍ Reclining on ranged couches. And we wed them unto fair ones with wide, lovely eyes. Reclining, (in reference to the residents of Paradise, who will recline or sit cross-legged( Allah does not specify gender of muttaqin ) مُتَّكِئِينَ muttaqin/reclining are both men and women) (3) Surah Rahman 55:72 حُورٌ مَقْصُورَاتٌ فِي الْخِيَامِ 55:72. Fair ones, close-guarded in pavilions (The Arabic for "women" is NOT in the Arabic text) no refrence to refer to women only / honest,guarded companion 4) In Surah Al-Waqiah 56: 22 وَحُورٌ عِينٌ And (here are) fair ones with wide, lovely No place to mistranslate this verse surah waqiah 56: 27 to 38 Reward for the right-hand group ( mens and women both )companions of the right hand, both male and female (Those that will inherit the heaven who donate reward for male only ??? in ulma's language houri is untouched / unbroken by sexual intercourse by men/human "like pearls" "virgins" ?? surah rehman 55:74 لَمْ يَطْمِثْهُنَّ إِنْسٌ قَبْلَهُمْ وَلَا جَانٌّ Whom neither man nor jinni will have touched before them الْإِنْسَانَ/ إِنْسٌ human.. mankind (refer to all humans ) There is no doubt that the chaste companions in paradise those guarded in pavilions (for the chaste earthly believer )(MEN AND WOMEN ) off course unmarried,righteous women will get her companion. without the permission of any mullah,righteous unmarried men will get female companion. NO she will not meet her husband there IF Husband in JAHANUM ? if men's wife is not from the people of pradise then Allah will marry him with believing women in peradise(if he desire ) if women's husband is not from the people of peradise Allah will marry her with beliving men in peradise (if she desire ) Allah will compensate to marry them eachother as u explained beautifuly the purpose of companion is pleasant surrounding,No feelings of loneliness in jannah like earthly life . conversation between resident of Paradise(both men and women),conversation between companions (one partner in hell) surah As-Saffat 37:50 - 57 And some of them draw near unto others, mutually questioning. A speaker of them saith: Lo! I had a comrade Who used to say: Art thou in truth of those who put faith (in his words)? Can we, when we are dead and have become mere dust and bones - can we (then) verily be brought to book? He saith: Will ye look? Then looketh he and seeth him in the depth of hell. He saith: By Allah, thou verily didst all but cause my ruin, And had it not been for the favour of my Lord, I too had been of those haled forth (to doom). Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: muslima on October 22, 2012, 01:50:28 pm Very correctly interpreted sister. MashAllah. Your Quranic insight is really good. Hadith interpretation of Jannat is completely wrong, racist and also vulgar. Whenever you get the time, check our post titled Why do 'Muslims' purposely distort the Quran translations? (http://muslimvilla.smfforfree.com/index.php?topic=2464.0) I saw an Islamic group at Facebook posting the very wrong translation of Verses 78:31-33. And do go through the thread of that link as well. Sister Heba and Br. PT have contributed two very nice pieces in the same thread below the main post. thanks sister zeynab yeah it was very useful post i have been already in this post that's why i had asked u there have u write anything about houri :) because it is a big blender ^:( Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: Zainab_M on October 23, 2012, 03:15:09 am SubhanAllah. MashAllah. Thanks sister Muslima for this wonderful and detailed explanation. It is something I've learned and must send around to others. In due course I will InshAllah prepare a new MV & blog post on this article with link reference to it. I'm sure most people don't know about it. Thank you again my sister. May Allah Almighty grant you the best reward for your tireless efforts for spreading the Truth about His Final Message.
Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: Ruhi_Rose on October 23, 2012, 03:50:08 am Walaikum Salam and wow, sister Muslima! that's a great point you explained. I hadn't thought of it either. Yes sister Zeynab, it would be still more helpful if you put up a separate post on it with reference to sister Muslima's work here. This is a very vital topic mainly because it's been misinterpreted by the Hadith so much. The word "hur" has been twisted, warped and falsified to such an extent by the ulemas and imams that one really has a lot to learn from sister Muslima's response.
Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: muslima on October 23, 2012, 05:01:30 am SubhanAllah. MashAllah. Thanks sister Muslima for this wonderful and detailed explanation. It is something I've learned and must send around to others. In due course I will InshAllah prepare a new MV & blog post on this article with link reference to it. I'm sure most people don't know about it. Thank you again my sister. May Allah Almighty grant you the best reward for your tireless efforts for spreading the Truth about His Final Message. Alhumdulliah Thanks sis zeynab u are most welcome dear sister yes we are servants of Allah it's our duty to spread the truth may Allah keep us on right path and help us to spread the truth of Quran ameen Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: muslima on October 23, 2012, 05:14:02 am Walaikum Salam and wow, sister Muslima! that's a great point you explained. I hadn't thought of it either. Yes sister Zeynab, it would be still more helpful if you put up a separate post on it with reference to sister Muslima's work here. This is a very vital topic mainly because it's been misinterpreted by the Hadith so much. The word "hur" has been twisted, warped and falsified to such an extent by the ulemas and imams that one really has a lot to learn from sister Muslima's response. thank u sis for appreciation :) Verses 3:52, 5:111, 5:112 and 61:14. are straight rejection of hadith claims and mistranslation regarding houri concept for ulma's and imam's and scholars's i like to quotes the message direct from Quran And as for those who strive against Our revelations, challenging, they will be brought to the doom.34:38 Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: Ruhi_Rose on October 24, 2012, 02:08:42 am Exactly, very true sis. Those verses you quoted and your entire write-up with direct references from the Quran refutes the "ulema's" claims and is a proof of their misinterpretation through mistranslation. Yet these people are too stubborn to acknowledge their misguidance. InshAllah on the basis of Verse 34:38, they will learn their lessons for all their lies on the Day of Judgment. They don't realize what a serious offense it is in the Sight of Allah to intentionally or carelessly misinterpret His words only for the purpose to keeping those expressions compatible with the ideas of hadith.
We are thankful to Allah for giving us the wisdom to search the truth and recognize it. Ameen ya Rab. Thanks again sister Muslima for your excellent insight and wonderful work. InshAllah we will put this up separately in your name. Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: muslima on October 24, 2012, 04:03:57 am Thanks again sister Muslima for your excellent insight and wonderful work. InshAllah we will put this up separately in your name. yeah separate thread is really good idea and dear sis our purpose is spreading the truth my name is not required MV,sis zeynab have full rights on every knowledge i share :) Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: Ruhi_Rose on October 24, 2012, 03:10:47 pm No sis, your name is necessary. Every information we put up is from the source we get it from. The accurate meaning of the term "hur" and its entire brilliant analysis was studied and stated by you, MashAllah. It's a very important one. The imams have purposely kept quiet about it because if they mentioned what you have mentioned here, it would discredit the Hadith. I am really grateful for your indispensable contribution. Allah bless you for your true love for the Most Noble Quran and your sincere desire to promote truth. I only wish we had more people in our Muslim community who thought & felt like you.
Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: muslima on October 25, 2012, 04:49:52 am salamem
okay i undersatnd :) yes ulma's purposely quiet beacuse !! my sister if imam ,ulma's accept it and declare the truth !!! There will be no more attraction in suicide bombing for so-called jihadies. IF ulma denied the existence of houri ONLY as female how can they convince brain-washed stupid's to commit suicide ?? who really dying for nothing ,killing innocents for nothing Allah have never promise such things in Noble Quran NOT 72 houri's for martyr neither extra bonus of one houri for sex service for any true believer.And if ulma's accept that' hur ''are both genders which is clearly mention in quran with the evidence of (hawari's of prophet isa pbuh) as pur companions for both believers(men and women) women's will get equal status that's something ulma's can't do Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: muslima on October 25, 2012, 02:02:38 pm salamem
check these both tribal site providing horrible informations totally against the Quranic values Description of al-hoor al-‘iyn in the Qur’aan and Sunnah http://islamqa.info/en/ref/60188 Hoors (hoor Al-ayn/hurs)* of Jannah (paradise) in Light of the Holy Quran and Hadiths http://www.articlesbase.com/religion-articles/hoors-hoor-alaynhurs-of-jannah-paradise-in-light-of-the-holy-quran-and-hadiths-743313.html i am sharing few more points and verse analysis i have read in these sites :) NO-WHERE in Quran does Allah specifically refer to males, when it comes to the rewards given in heaven وَبَشِّرِ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أَنَّ لَهُمْ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ كُلَّمَا رُزِقُوا مِنْهَا مِن ثَمَرَةٍ رِّزْقًا قَالُوا هَٰذَا الَّذِي رُزِقْنَا مِن قَبْلُ وَأُتُوا بِهِ مُتَشَابِهًا وَلَهُمْ فِيهَا أَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ وَهُمْ فِيهَا خَالِدُونَ And give glad tidings (O Muhammad) unto those who believe and do good works; that theirs are Gardens underneath which rivers flow; as often as they are regaled with food of the fruit thereof, they say: this is what was given us aforetime; and it is given to them in resemblance. There for them are pure companions; there for ever they abide.2:25 قُلْ أَؤُنَبِّئُكُم بِخَيْرٍ مِّن ذَٰلِكُمْ لِلَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ جَنَّاتٌ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا وَأَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ وَرِضْوَانٌ مِّنَ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ بَصِيرٌ بِالْعِبَادِ 3:15 وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ سَنُدْخِلُهُمْ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا أَبَدًا لَّهُمْ فِيهَا أَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ وَنُدْخِلُهُمْ ظِلًّا ظَلِيلًا 4:57 Notice the verses say: "those who believe and work righteousness." This INCLUDES females as well as males. So, in context, they (males and females) will have companions PURE meaning that even the females will get partners in heaven. It does NOT specifically refer to males ALONE, it refers to both male and females. The Arabic word used in these 3 above verses for "companions" is: "azwajun" which I have already shown & proved above means "spouses" mates," which refer to both genders The Arabic used for "associates" in this verse is: "azwajukum" which is literally derived from the root word "Zawj", which literally means "pairs/companions." marry pair couple wed give in marriage husband espouse زوّج (zawwaja) (verb form II) 1. to pair, to couple, to join in pairs 2. to double, to geminate 3. to marry off, to give in marriage ازدوج (izdawaja) (verb form VIII) 1. to be in pairs, to be doubled, to appear twice زوج (zawj) m., زوجة f., ازواج ('azwaj) pl. 1. one of a pair 2. husband, wife, mate, partner 3. couple, pair http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/زوج زوج نتيجة البحث عن unite in marriage join in marriage to marry a man and a lady to each other to find a husband or wife for someone Also, in Arabic a husband and a wife are called "Azwaj", "Azwajan" and/or "Zawjan", which is another similar word that is derived from "Zawj". surah ya'sin 36:56 هُمْ وَأَزْوَاجُهُمْ فِي ظِلَالٍ عَلَى الْأَرَائِكِ مُتَّكِئُونَ Yusuf Ali They and their associates will be in groves of (cool) shade, reclining on Thrones (of dignity); So, "associates" does NOT specifically means "wives" it means spouses/pairs, which refers to both genders, and this is the correct translation of this Arabic word. Muhammad Asad also translated the Arabic word "aazwajuhum" into "spouses" because it refers to both male and female. in happiness will they and their spouses on couches recline." Spouses refer to BOTH male and female, not just females surah as-saffat 37:48 وَعِندَهُمْ قَاصِرَاتُ الطَّرْفِ عِينٌ Pickthall And with them are those of modest gaze, with lovely eyes, Yusuf Ali And besides them will be chaste women, restraining their glances, with big eyes (of wonder and beauty). Yusuf Ali's translation is Not accurate translation. In Surah Saffat 37:48, the Arabic used is: "qasirat at-tarf" which means: "such as restrain their gaze" which refers to BOTH male and female. Yusuf Ali refers it to women, yet the Arabic does NOT specifically refer that. The Arabic for "women" is NOT in the Arabic text; it is the translator's own error here http://www.islamawakened.com/quran/38/52/default.htm surah Saad 38:52 وَعِندَهُمْ قَاصِرَاتُ الطَّرْفِ أَتْرَابٌ Pickthall And with them are those of modest gaze, companions. 38:52 Yusuf Ali And beside them will be chaste women restraining their glances, (companions) of equal age.38:52 Muhammad Asad having beside them well-matched mates of modest gaze.” Yusuf Ali, which is of a less accurate translation. The Arabic for "women" is NOT in the Arabic text; it is the translator's own error here. The Arabic word used in Surah Sad 38:52 is: "atrabun" which does NOT specifically mean females. The correct meanings are: "companions" or "mates." more mistranslation of surah waqiah 56:35 إِنَّا أَنشَأْنَاهُنَّ إِنشَاءً Inna ansha/nahunna inshaan Lo! We have created them a (new) creation (56:35:2) anshanāhunna [We] have produced them There is no support from the verse for the often mistranslations that this is referring to the virgin wives of the believing men. The verse is clear that it is dealing with the companions of the right hand 56:36 فَجَعَلْنَاهُنَّ أَبْكَارًا And made them virgins Arabic: Abkaran Root BKR BKR - A virgin - anything untouched, new, fresh As you can see, the term "virgin" does NOT fall specifically on a certain gender. It refers to both genders.. Quran was written in Arabic NOT English. The reasons why people get the idea and "presume" that "hoor/houri" is ONLY feminine, which is a MISTRANSLATION. Lovers, friends, 56:37 where is word (women) ??? who said men are not lover friendly ,devoted ?? ulma and houri lovers are NOT listed in following qualities sister zeynab i have same definition of hur ,i have cut pieces from dictionary try to posting here but unable ???? Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: Ruhi_Rose on October 26, 2012, 08:40:34 pm salamem okay i undersatnd :) yes ulma's purposely quiet beacuse !! my sister if imam ,ulma's accept it and declare the truth !!! There will be no more attraction in suicide bombing for so-called jihadies. IF ulma denied the existence of houri ONLY as female how can they convince brain-washed stupid's to commit suicide ?? who really dying for nothing ,killing innocents for nothing Allah have never promise such things in Noble Quran NOT 72 houri's for martyr neither extra bonus of one houri for sex service for any true believer.And if ulma's accept that' hur ''are both genders which is clearly mention in quran with the evidence of (hawari's of prophet isa pbuh) as pur companions for both believers(men and women) women's will get equal status that's something ulma's can't do Walaikm Salam. Exactly sister. The so-called ulemas and imams have simply embellished their personal fantasies as official interpretations of the atmosphere in Paradise. They forget the seriousness of their violation is attributing figments of their imagination to Jannat only for the purpose to comforting their minds and yes .. it also acts as an incentive to recruit suicide bombers. What's really sad is that these lies of the ulemas float around as the face of Islam and provide excuses to the critics to attack Islam. Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: Ruhi_Rose on October 26, 2012, 08:48:27 pm Thanks for providing more detailed information dear sister Muslima. I checked the first link and will InshAllah check the second one too, very soon. The misinterpretations are circulated by the ulemas and translators by writing the words in the brackets of the translations. E.g. After the word "hoor" they write in bracket (fair females). First they misinterpret the word "fair" which actually means sincere into fair skin color. And secondly, they add the word 'female' which is completely unwarranted in the Quran as in most verses "hoor" in genderless because it could be either male or female companion for the righteous.
And you are absolutely right, Yusuf Ali's translations are not reliable at all. Yusuf Ali was a staunch follower of Hadith and all his translations attempt to bring Hadithist ideas into the Quran. We have compiled both your detailed write-ups and will soon work to make a complete article on it. When we make it we will send it to you through MV private messaging InshAllah, so you can check it and make any corrections you want. Title: Re: Reward of Women in Paradise Post by: muslima on October 27, 2012, 05:10:35 am Thumbsup ok sister ruhi :) thanks for reading and reply May Allah bless u guys i know it will be perfect sister zeynab have power of pen and exact words for topic rdht |