!! SISTER Zeynab
Will they not then ponder on the Qur'an? If it had been from other than Allah they would have found therein much incongruity4:82
Most Muslim scholars have laid down certain basic conditions for sound Tafsir.waht i have experienced that quran tafsir depend on the mentality of scholar or translator that's why most of them are completely failed to produce perfect tafsir..
The interpretation of the Quran by the Quran is the highest source of tafsir and the prectice of prophet(pbuh).which cannot be matched nor superseded by any other.the Quran have their explanation in other parts of the very same book, and often there is no need to turn to any sources other than the word of Allah, which in itself contains tafsir.and its so beautiful to see that!
We have made clear the revelations for people who are sure.2:118
very simple Example
Lo! We revealed it on a blessed night - Lo! We are ever warning 44:3
our question whice night is blessed ??
Quran tafsir..Lo! We revealed it on the Night of Predestination. 97:1
our question ? in which month this night take place ???
Quran tafsir ..The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an 2:185
another example of detailed explanation
O ye who believe! Profane not Allah's monuments nor the Sacred Month nor the offerings nor the garlands, nor those repairing to the Sacred House, seeking the grace and pleasure of their Lord. But when ye have left the sacred territory, then go hunting (if ye will). And let not your hatred of a folk who (once) stopped your going to the inviolable place of worship seduce you to transgress; but help ye one another unto righteousness and pious duty. Help not one another unto sin and transgression, but keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is severe in punishment.5:2
Forbidden unto you (for food) are carrion and blood and swineflesh, and that which hath been dedicated unto any other than Allah, and the strangled, and the dead through beating, and the dead through falling from a height, and that which hath been killed by (the goring of) horns, and the devoured of wild beasts, saving that which ye make lawful (by the death-stroke), and that which hath been immolated unto idols. And (forbidden is it) that ye swear by the divining arrows. This is an abomination. This day are those who disbelieve in despair of (ever harming) your religion; so fear them not, fear Me! This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you as religion al-Islam. Whoso is forced by hunger, not by will, to sin: (for him) lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.5:3
They ask thee (O Muhammad) what is made lawful for them. Say: (all) good things are made lawful for you. And those beasts and birds of prey which ye have trained as hounds are trained, ye teach them that which Allah taught you; so eat of that which they catch for you and mention Allah's name upon it, and observe your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is swift to take account.5:4
Quran itself The best Tafsir is the explanation of the Quran.
The explanation of the Prophet (he was best example of the prectice of quran ) we dont need anyother source of tafsir