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Dar-al-Hajar (Rock Palace)

September 28, 2024, 01:32:32 pm Heba E. Husseyn: Martyrdom of Syyed Hassan Nasrallah on Sept.27, 2024. Don't miss our blog post @ Zainabs Lounge.
July 16, 2024, 07:48:21 pm Zainab_M: The 10th of Muharram 1446 (Ashura) has arrived (Juky16).
Pls know it is about Hussein not Abu Huraira nor the Jewish exodus.
Pls read:
- Who was Hussein?
- Did the Prophet (S) fast
on 10th Muharram?

April 02, 2024, 07:27:22 pm Heba E. Husseyn: Details on Leila tul Qadr every Ramadan, links HERE.
November 01, 2023, 03:44:32 pm Zainab_M: Allahhuma ameen .. ameen.
November 01, 2023, 03:43:43 pm Ruhi_Rose: Yes .. making lots of dua everyday ..... watching those real life video clips, my face feels wet with tears all the time.  May ALLAH grant the best to these wonderful, brave & steadfast martyrs,  Ameen ya Allah.
November 01, 2023, 03:38:26 pm Zainab_M: Keep praying, praying a lot for Gaza. It's worse than a prison .. it's a concentration camp.  Children as young as 10 or 11 are having to care for their younger siblings ages 2, 3 and 4 becoz many have lost both parents.  It's a very, very, very tearful situation there.
October 26, 2023, 03:40:19 pm N. Truth Seeker: Don't forget to look up MV Blog Zainab's Lounge for our Gaza updates.
October 20, 2023, 04:24:44 pm Zainab_M: Right sister Heba.  Gaza hospital bombing has the fingerprints of Israel all over it.  For Israel this is no big crime.  They have done this and much worse many times in the past and intend to do the same and worse many more times in near future.
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Author Topic: Dar-al-Hajar (Rock Palace)  (Read 1732 times)
N. Truth Seeker
Quiet guy technology nerd | TEAM MUSLIM VILLA
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« on: May 07, 2015, 05:00:52 am »

As-Salam Alaykum everyone.

Dar-al-Hajar (Rock Palace) - iconic symbol of Yemen.

Just as Eiffel Tower is synonymous with Paris and Statue of Liberty with New York, Dar-al-Hajar is synonymous with Yemen.

What makes this medieval Palace unique is that it's perched atop an ancient rock. Situated in Wadi Dhar approximately 15 km from Sanaa, it's the most famous landmark of Yemen. Dar-al-Hajar was constructed by a Muslim architect, intellect and cleric, Ali bin Saleh Al-Amar, in the 1700s who served as minister and governor in the era of Imam Mahdi Abbas and his son Mansour. It was renovated and extended a bit in the 1930s by Imam Yahya who used it as his summer retreat. The steps are around the other corner of the rock. The palace is not used as a residence any longer. It's only a tourist attraction.

As you can see from its exterior as well as interior, though a solid structure, it's much simpler and modest compared to the grandeur and opulence we find in the palaces of the Omayads, Abbasids, the Qajar and Safavids etc.

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« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2015, 06:58:51 am »

Beautiful pics.  I especially love the interiors.  You're so right brother.  It's a startling contrast from all the razzle dazzle of historical palaces we generally see.  Not to forget the suffocating extravaganza of the former Shah's palace in Iran.  Thank Allah that evil palace now only serves as a lesson for the corrupt. 
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Heba E. Husseyn
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« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2015, 07:10:05 pm »

Lovely and cute .. best part of it is its simplicity.  We know a couple who went to Yemen on vacation about 5 years ago.  They went to see and took a quick look at Dar al Hajar, inside and outside. But couldn't hang on for long.  The only problem is transportation from Sanaa to Wadi-e-Dhar, a distance of 15 or 16 km.  You gotta contact a cab or tour company in Sanaa; they'll arrange for a cab to take you there and bring you back.  Then while you're looking around the beautiful landmark, the cab is waiting. So tourists can't linger on for long.

And you sure are right brother.  The contrast between modesty and glitz cannot go unnoticed when comparing a monument like this one with the residences of so many other dynasties of the past and present.  May the Ansarullah revolution of Yemen win and bring back egalitarian values to Yemen, freeing the country from the occupation of imperialists and their puppets.  Shame on Saudi Arabia for establishing an illegal coalition and bombing Yemen.  As if this conscienceless kingdom didn't have enough past sins already.
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