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The Hoax about Eid Ma'bath

September 28, 2024, 01:32:32 pm Heba E. Husseyn: Martyrdom of Syyed Hassan Nasrallah on Sept.27, 2024. Don't miss our blog post @ Zainabs Lounge.
July 16, 2024, 07:48:21 pm Zainab_M: The 10th of Muharram 1446 (Ashura) has arrived (Juky16).
Pls know it is about Hussein not Abu Huraira nor the Jewish exodus.
Pls read:
- Who was Hussein?
- Did the Prophet (S) fast
on 10th Muharram?

April 02, 2024, 07:27:22 pm Heba E. Husseyn: Details on Leila tul Qadr every Ramadan, links HERE.
November 01, 2023, 03:44:32 pm Zainab_M: Allahhuma ameen .. ameen.
November 01, 2023, 03:43:43 pm Ruhi_Rose: Yes .. making lots of dua everyday ..... watching those real life video clips, my face feels wet with tears all the time.  May ALLAH grant the best to these wonderful, brave & steadfast martyrs,  Ameen ya Allah.
November 01, 2023, 03:38:26 pm Zainab_M: Keep praying, praying a lot for Gaza. It's worse than a prison .. it's a concentration camp.  Children as young as 10 or 11 are having to care for their younger siblings ages 2, 3 and 4 becoz many have lost both parents.  It's a very, very, very tearful situation there.
October 26, 2023, 03:40:19 pm N. Truth Seeker: Don't forget to look up MV Blog Zainab's Lounge for our Gaza updates.
October 20, 2023, 04:24:44 pm Zainab_M: Right sister Heba.  Gaza hospital bombing has the fingerprints of Israel all over it.  For Israel this is no big crime.  They have done this and much worse many times in the past and intend to do the same and worse many more times in near future.
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Author Topic: The Hoax about Eid Ma'bath  (Read 642 times)
N. Truth Seeker
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« on: May 05, 2017, 03:46:37 am »

As-Salam Alaykum and peace to all.  We are now into the Hijri month of Shaban, tonight being 9th Shaban 1438 (Gregorian calendar 5th May 2017).  As many of our readers would know, Shaban is the eighth month of the Islamic Hijri calendar, preceding Ramadan which is the ninth month.  Rajab is the seventh Hijri month which precedes Shaban.

Shiia jurists unanimously claim that prophethood was appointed on the 27th of Rajab and the Quran began being revealed on the 27th of Rajab.  Though formally the Sunnis supposedly accept the Quranic confirmation that the Divine Revelation began in the month of Ramadan (as confirmed in the Noble Quran), yet they appear quite complacent over the Shiia claim of 27 Rajab probably because they've invented so many of their own tales on Rajab and Shaban.

To summarize a long story, the claim that the revelation of the Quran began on 27 Rajab is simply wrong and rude, and clashes with Quranic information.

"The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, ..."  (2:185).  Noble Quran.

When Allah has categorically stated in His Final Message that it was revealed in the month of Ramadan, what the heck is this so-called Eid  Mabath about?

"We swear by the Glorious Book that We revealed the Qur'an on a blessed night." (Surah al-Dukhan, 44:2-3 Noble Quran).

And that is the very night of Qadr (power) which has been mentioned in Surah al-Qadr, Chapter 97 (verse 1) wherein it has been said:

"Indeed! We revealed it on the Night of Power."   (97:1)  Noble Quran.

After the Quranic confirmation of Verse 2:185, one can be certain that the rest of the Verses refer to Ramadan, not Rajab. 

Everyone knows that the entire Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years.  Verse 2:185 makes it ample clear that revelation of the Quran (Verses 96:1-5) began in Ramadan, which means Prophethood was formally bestowed on Muhammed (pbuh) on that day of Ramadan.  So why do traditionalists claim that revelation of the Quran began on 27 Rajab?  There are absolutely no references to the month of Rajab connected with the first revelations of the Quran.  In fact there no allusions to Rajab in the Quran at all.  Yet, the following is what a Shiia website writes referring to the first Quranic Verses 96:1-5:

According to the Shiia site Imam

' "Read in the name of thy Lord Who created, created man from a clot (of congealed blood): Read and thy Lord is most Bountiful, no taught with the pen, taught man that which he knew not. (Qur'an, 96:1-5)" These were the first ayats to be revealed, and the date was the 27th of Rajab, 40th year of elephant (610 C.E.).'

One needs to ask, on what basis do such people assert that the date of revelation of Verses 96:1-5 was 27th Rajab?

The answer is that there's no basis other than their own myths and tales, guesswork based on various ahadith, just the way there are other sorts of guesswork based on Sunni ahadith.  In this case, the Shiia jurists used Verses 44:2-3 of Surah At-Dukhan.  Quoting those jurists:

"The Holy Qur'an was revealed in one blessed night of the Holy month of Ramadan, which is called the 'Night of Glory', but they do not mention the place of its revelation and do not also denote that they were revealed to the Prophet during the same night. It is quite possible that there may have been various revelations of the Qur'an and numerous Shi'ah and Sunni narrations confirm this possibility. One of those revelations is the gradual revelation of the Qur'an to the Prophet and the other is its revelation in installments from the Lauhul Mehfuz  to Baytul Ma'mu'r.  Hence there should be nothing wrong in a few verses of Surah al-Alaq being revealed to the Holy Prophet on the 27th of Rajab and the entire Qur'an, in one compact form, being revealed in the month of Ramadan from a place named by the Qur'an as 'Lauhul Mehfuz' to another place 'Baytul Ma'mur.'

In short the verses which indicate that the Qur'an was revealed in the month of Ramadan during the 'Night of Glory' cannot be a proof of the fact that the day of the Holy Prophet's appointment to the prophetic mission, on which only a few verses were revealed, also coincided in the same month, because the aforesaid verses show that the entire Book (the Qur'an) was revealed in that month, whereas, on the day of the Holy Prophet's appointment to the prophetic mission only five or six verses were revealed."

Reading the above two paragraphs, you can gauge that Shiias manipulate matters in much the same style as the Sunnis, stealing stories from the Hadith and then mixing them with parts of Quranic information and further 'seasoning' those stories with unsupported presumptions. Apart from the fact that the above argument does not at all prove that 27 Rajab was the day, such tactics are totally unacceptable that display false twists about matters already confirmed in the Quran. These people don't even seem know that the Quran was revealed over 23 years NOT during one night.  They cannot understand that the clear allusion in Verses 2:185 as well as 44:2-3 is the start of the revelation NOT start and finish.  The Quran was revealed to the Prophet (pbuh) who was a human being.  It wouldn't be possible for the Prophet to handle the revelation of 6,000 plus verses in one night.  That should be easy enough for any average person to understand.  Also in that case there would be no such thing as "Mecca and Medinah revelations."

One may also wonder what is Bayt al-Mamur which many might know to be another one of the many Hadith fabrications.  Lauhal Mahfuz ('Guarded Tablet' referring to the Noble Quran) is of course mentioned in the Quran.  And while the term wal-bayti al-mamuri is stated in V.52:4 Surah At-Tur, it simply refers to the Kaa'ba at Makkah. The hadith connotation of V.52:4 is completely different claiming it to be the Ka'ba in Jannat (directly above the Ka'ba on earth) and supposedly 70,000 Angels visit it everyday.  Some traditional stories go further claiming that those angels that visit Bayt al-Mamur never return.  The entire Bayt al-Mamur story is a construction of the human mind.  Not a word about it is contained in the Quran.

Eid Ma'bath is a traditional fabrication and one hundred percent extra-Quranic content.   Just ignore it.

Related Post:  Laila-tul-Baraah

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Heba E. Husseyn
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« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2017, 04:04:28 am »

Walaikum As-Salam. 
Couple of weeks ago I came across a news story at Press TV with greetings on "Eid Ma'bath."  Honestly, until I read it I never knew what that meant.  Needless to say, it was yet another rude shock to know that Muslims now don't even believe that the revelation of the Noble Quran began in the month of Ramadan.  I'm pretty sure that to themselves the jurists do know that the Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years .. I mean who wouldn't know such a basic information of Islamic history.  Yet they pretend to disregard that fact to confuse the public.  The more you research, the more obvious it gets that the horde of interpolations are endless.  I don't know how these folks will answer to Allah Almighty on the Day of the Tryst about construction of stories galore without knowledge, proof nor evidence.

Thanks brother.  Very good work.  I hope this clears the confusion from the minds of at least some of the naive victims of our jurists who prefer to think and analyze before accepting the presumptions narrated to them.
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N. Truth Seeker
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« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2017, 04:10:06 am »

Thanks Sister.  Yes, clerical traditionalism has been stretched to very worrisome proportions.
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« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2017, 07:16:42 am »

Thanks br. TS.  These folks are just appalling.  I too never knew of this Eid Mabath stuff ever before.  Revelation of the Quran began in Ramadan, confirmed by The Almighty.  They can say what they like, their arguments carry no weight.  If they shut-up they favor their own soul otherwise they will be answerable to HIM.  
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TEAM MUSLIM VILLA The Avid Reader | Mom of 3 cute rascals
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« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2021, 11:43:59 pm »

Shocking falsehood from liars.   I never knew about this Eid-e-MaBath either, never, .. and I don't know how I didn't see this post until now.   It's beyond me to understand how such folks who contradict the Quran so blatantly can sleep peacefully at night.   

To put it briefly, Surah 96 Verses 1-5 were the first of the Divine Revelations of the Noble Quran which Allah has confirmed were revealed in the month of Ramadan (Ref.V.2:185) and Surah 97 (Al-Qadr) refers to the night of Ramadan when the first five Verses of Surah 96 were revealed.  Surah 97 Al-Qadr was is listed as revealed in the early days of Makkah after the Prophet's (pbuh) call. 

Thank you for exposing it brother TS.

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« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2022, 02:31:58 pm »


To put it briefly, Surah 96 Verses 1-5 were the first of the Divine Revelations of the Noble Quran which Allah has confirmed were revealed in the month of Ramadan (Ref.V.2:185) and Surah 97 (Al-Qadr) refers to the night of Ramadan when the first five Verses of Surah 96 were revealed.  Surah 97 Al-Qadr was is listed as revealed in the early days of Makkah after the Prophet's (pbuh) call. 


Thank you Sister Ruhi, this is a very good summarized clarification which needs to be known.  Alhumdulilah.
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