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Surah An-Nur Flash - Must Watch!

September 28, 2024, 01:32:32 pm Heba E. Husseyn: Martyrdom of Syyed Hassan Nasrallah on Sept.27, 2024. Don't miss our blog post @ Zainabs Lounge.
July 16, 2024, 07:48:21 pm Zainab_M: The 10th of Muharram 1446 (Ashura) has arrived (Juky16).
Pls know it is about Hussein not Abu Huraira nor the Jewish exodus.
Pls read:
- Who was Hussein?
- Did the Prophet (S) fast
on 10th Muharram?

April 02, 2024, 07:27:22 pm Heba E. Husseyn: Details on Leila tul Qadr every Ramadan, links HERE.
November 01, 2023, 03:44:32 pm Zainab_M: Allahhuma ameen .. ameen.
November 01, 2023, 03:43:43 pm Ruhi_Rose: Yes .. making lots of dua everyday ..... watching those real life video clips, my face feels wet with tears all the time.  May ALLAH grant the best to these wonderful, brave & steadfast martyrs,  Ameen ya Allah.
November 01, 2023, 03:38:26 pm Zainab_M: Keep praying, praying a lot for Gaza. It's worse than a prison .. it's a concentration camp.  Children as young as 10 or 11 are having to care for their younger siblings ages 2, 3 and 4 becoz many have lost both parents.  It's a very, very, very tearful situation there.
October 26, 2023, 03:40:19 pm N. Truth Seeker: Don't forget to look up MV Blog Zainab's Lounge for our Gaza updates.
October 20, 2023, 04:24:44 pm Zainab_M: Right sister Heba.  Gaza hospital bombing has the fingerprints of Israel all over it.  For Israel this is no big crime.  They have done this and much worse many times in the past and intend to do the same and worse many more times in near future.
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Author Topic: Surah An-Nur Flash - Must Watch!  (Read 2022 times)
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« on: October 03, 2007, 06:31:14 pm »

Assalamu alaikum / Peace be upon you,






Watch Online:
Surah An-Nur - Visual
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If you were inspired by this presentation and would like to view more, here are some more:

Surah Luqman
Download (13.3 MB):
Play Online: Surah Luqman - Visual

Surah Ala-Imran
Download (21.2 MB):
Play Online: Surah Ala Imran - Visual

Surah Maryam
Download  (16.0 MB):
Play Online: Surah Maryam - Visual

Surah Qaf
Download (10.6 MB):
Play Online: Surah Qaf - Visual

I pray you all have blessed remainder of Ramadhan and a Happy Eid!

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« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2007, 06:40:47 pm »

Walaikum Salaam and peace to you, dear brother AOH.  Nice to see you after so long.  Hope you're doin fine, InshAllah. 

God willing, I will certainly go thru the link you provided on Surah An-Nur.  And what a perfect month to post it!  All your previous uploads on Quraanic recitations with translations were great.  I'm sure I'll love this one too.  Thanks a million, brother.

A very blessed Ramadan and Happy Eid-al-Fitr to you too.
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« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2007, 08:13:15 am »

Dear Sr Zainab,

It is very nice to speak to you again indeed and thank you for the the kind comments. I am sure you will like it, I find it that the more I watch these (as well as studying the Qur'an generally), the more wisdom I find in the Qur'an. A miraculous Book from the Lord of the Universe.

Have a pleasent remainder of Ramadan and a Happy Eid, inshallah.

Do you post in any other forums?

Oh, please let me know what you thought of the presentation and your views on the Verses in general, I would appreciate that greatly. Smiley

Assalamu alaikum.
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« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2007, 01:52:18 am »


Walaikum Salaam brother AOH.  I went thru the 20 mins recitation of Surah An-Nur tonight.  Alhamdulilah, what a refreshing recitation to listen particularly on a Ramadan night before retiring to bed.  The translations of Abdel Haleem has been a good discovery for me thru you in addition to Pickthall of course.  I concentrate carefully on the words while listening or reading a Quraanic translation.  So far, I've always recommended Pickthall to my family and friends.  Now I think I could recommend both Pickthall and A. Haleem.  Thanks yet again dear brother.

Each time I turn the pages of the Glorious Quraan, how I wish I knew Arabic as much as I know English.  But then, isn't it true that the Quraan is not just any Book?  It is something very special. The Almighty Allah does not favour people with His guidance on the basis of language, rather He chooses His slaves for their sincerity and hard work.  I guess that explains why I've come across several people who speak exquisite Arabic and yet they've misconstrued the ideology of the Quraan with a barrage of negative ideas and laws. 

Just now as I was quite mesmerized listening to Surah An-Nur, I couldn't help comparing the Islam of the Quraan as revealed to our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings on him) with the Islam of the Ummah.  These are two very different aspects today.   

For instance, the Quraan makes no distinction between adultery and fornication.  Sex out of wedlock is a violation for everyone, married or single.  The penalty is 100 stripes, not death.  It is doubled for the wives of the Prophet and reduced by half for slaves, should any of them commit such a violation.  But the Ummah today has replaced this with the laws of the altered Old and New Testaments.

According to the rule of Allah, those who dishonour good women must receive 80 stirpes and they're not eligible to testify again.  Their testimony is equivalent to felony.  But today in all Muslim countries if a woman is raped, she becomes an adultress fit for the punishment of Rajm.  The rapist is not liable to any significant charges and is almost always released after a brief and cursory interrogation.   

Surah An-Nur further states that people who have sex out of wedlock can only marry their likes or idolators / idolatresses.  Yet, it's just too hard for our lawmakers to contemplate that this ruling of the Quraan automatically invalidates the penalty of Rajm as dead people obviously cannot marry. 

The Almighty Allah emphasises on the importance of modesty.  It's just as important for both men and women.  Be it cheap flirtation or physical intimacy out of marriage, lewd conduct is a serious offence in the case of both genders.  In this very Surah, Allah makes it ample clear that those who are single (men or women) must keep chaste till married. Yet for reasons of their own, the men of our Ummah flatly maintain that a loose character is a much greater offence for women than men.  Allah forgive!!!  From where do these people get such ideas?   

So much about the violations of the 'Muslim' community.

The Noble Quraan says that our own tongue, hands, feet and skins will testify against us.  This is so interesting.  When one reflects on this concept, it portrays the difference between one's physical and spiritual being or the difference between body and soul.  While the human soul is subject to questioning on the Day of Judgment, the role of the physical parts of our body is to testify against us. 

Just for my own information, I'd like your opinion on the following point.

I was talking to some acquaintances recently about the importance of 4 witnesses as mentioned in the Quraan for charges against illegal sex.  They maintained that the 4 witnessnes are meant to actually see the act of violation.  But by reading the Quraan and using my rationale, I see it differently.  A minimal of 4 witnesses are essential who need to testify to whatever evidence they may have concerning the couple's relationship .. much like a witness who would testify in a court of law today, either for the defence or the prosecution.  I don't find anything in the Quraan that conveys the notion that the witnesses must have first hand visual information of the act of violation.  Last but not least, according to the Quraan, a woman who's been a victim of rape does not have to produce any witnesses.  How would you interpret this bit about the 4 witnesses? 

About posting in other forums, frankly by now I've had a showdown in all traditional forums.  However much I try to avoid it, it seems inevitable.  But most importantly, it's pretty much useless too.  It's just impossible to have a civil discussion focused on the topic.  Whether a Ph.D from Al-Azha University or just a disciple of a sheik, not a single person in any such forum has as yet analysed the contents of my posts.  Instead, the standard response has constantly been a chain of personal attacks on my identity and perception.  It's not just irritating, but thoroughly unfair.  I've invited all such people here at MV for a civil debate on any topic of their choice, but they've never responded to that either.  Thus, because of the depth of our incompatibility, I've given it a break for the time being .. and I wouldn't want to get hyped in the month of Ramadan Smiley 

May Allah bless you brother for your enlightened efforts and sincere thoughts, and for beautifying our board with such a great post.  I'll also go thru the other recitations in due course.  While one is fasting there's always a crunch in one's daily schedule. 

JazekAllah Khair / peace
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Heba E. Husseyn
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« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2007, 02:27:28 am »

As-salaam Alaikum br. Ace of Heart.  So nice to see u on board after many months.  I've found this entire set of online presentations to be remarkably beneficial, and I find the pace of these recitations very apt.  If you only listen to the speed at which they recite the Taravi prayers at masjids. it almost amounts to disrespecting the Noble Quran.

Thank you so very much brother. 

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« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2007, 01:18:42 pm »

As-salaam Alaikum br. Ace of Heart.  So nice to see u on board after many months.  I've found this entire set of online presentations to be remarkably beneficial, and I find the pace of these recitations very apt.  If you only listen to the speed at which they recite the Taravi prayers at masjids. it almost amounts to disrespecting the Noble Quran.

Thank you so very much brother. 


Thank you, indeed it is very nice to speak to you again after to long.  Smiley I am glad you benefitted the presentations, alhamduliillah. Comments such as yours really proves to me that people do benefit from them (which urges me to continue working on them).

Please bear with me Sr Zainab, I will reply to your post soon inshallah.
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« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2007, 08:12:20 pm »

Assalamu alaikum Sr. Zainab,
Please accept my sincere applogies in taking so long to reply. I pray you have had an enjoyable Eid and have been doing well.


Walaikum Salaam brother AOH.  I went thru the 20 mins recitation of Surah An-Nur tonight.  Alhamdulilah, what a refreshing recitation to listen particularly on a Ramadan night before retiring to bed.  The translations of Abdel Haleem has been a good discovery for me thru you in addition to Pickthall of course.  I concentrate carefully on the words while listening or reading a Quraanic translation.  So far, I've always recommended Pickthall to my family and friends.  Now I think I could recommend both Pickthall and A. Haleem.  Thanks yet again dear brother.

Abdel Haleems translation is excellent due to its use of modern day easy to understand language. It does have common Sunni influences at places, usually the common places. For example, 4:34 uses the word 'hit' (though a lot better than 'beat', nevertheless I do not agree even with 'hit' either), or the Verse dealing with polygamy he places the word 'other' before women ie. marry [other] women, thereby allowing unrestricted and unconditional polygamy.

I do adjust the translation where I feel I can take out a Sunni influence and translate it a more accurately or improve the expression.  For example, where he said 'they should let their headscarves fall to cover their necklines', I translated it as 'they shall cover their chests'. Or where he used the word 'adulterer', I changed it to 'those who have engaged in extramarital sex' to give the fuller meaning which is adultary and fornication.

"lower the gaze" I have changed to "humble their gaze" which is a more Qur'anic interpretation and is more accurate in giving the correct understanding to this misused Verse. I have reworded how Verse 31 is read to make it clearer for example, he said "and not reveal their charms except to" I changed it to "the may show-off their charms only to".

On the whole, Abdel Haleem's translation is excellent, mostly due its use of easy to understand and modern English. However, one needs to read around some Sunni influences. Out of all the translations I have read, this one tops the list.

Each time I turn the pages of the Glorious Quraan, how I wish I knew Arabic as much as I know English.  But then, isn't it true that the Quraan is not just any Book?  It is something very special. The Almighty Allah does not favour people with His guidance on the basis of language, rather He chooses His slaves for their sincerity and hard work.  I guess that explains why I've come across several people who speak exquisite Arabic and yet they've misconstrued the ideology of the Quraan with a barrage of negative ideas and laws. 

I agree with you fully. Allah guides whoever He wills regardless of their knowlege of arabic. Like you say, many people are misguided and disbelieve even when their mother tongue is the language of the Qur'an and they have read it. We know many disbelieved when the Prophet himself preached it to his people. You can be guided just by studying the Qur'anic massage through various translations, because it is the Qur'anic massage they deny.

To understand the Qur'an correctly requires having firm faith in Allah and the Hereafter, no matter how good your arabic is. This is stressed in a Verse where Allah says when the Prophet recites the Qur'an to the people (who knew the language of the Qur'an), that He places a veil betweeen the Prophet and those who do not believe in the Hereafter. Using reason and logic is also critical in its understanding, so much so that pondering over Verses has been stressed repeatedly in the Qur'an, and even in a Verse which says We clarify Our Revelations for those who think over it, ie. those who do not use their reason and logic will not be able to understand it. It is very possible a person fluent in arabic neither has the necessary belief in Allah, nor the ability to use his intellect in interpreting the Verses, thus ending up twisting it.

The Almighty Allah emphasises on the importance of modesty.  It's just as important for both men and women.  Be it cheap flirtation or physical intimacy out of marriage, lewd conduct is a serious offence in the case of both genders.  In this very Surah, Allah makes it ample clear that those who are single (men or women) must keep chaste till married. Yet for reasons of their own, the men of our Ummah flatly maintain that a loose character is a much greater offence for women than men.  Allah forgive!!!  From where do these people get such ideas?   

So much about the violations of the 'Muslim' community.

Yes, this is a great corruption where so called Muslim men think women have to pray a greater price for not observing 'modesty', furthermore, 'modestly' as defined by their whms and desires.

Just for my own information, I'd like your opinion on the following point.

I was talking to some acquaintances recently about the importance of 4 witnesses as mentioned in the Quraan for charges against illegal sex.  They maintained that the 4 witnessnes are meant to actually see the act of violation.  But by reading the Quraan and using my rationale, I see it differently.  A minimal of 4 witnesses are essential who need to testify to whatever evidence they may have concerning the couple's relationship .. much like a witness who would testify in a court of law today, either for the defence or the prosecution.  I don't find anything in the Quraan that conveys the notion that the witnesses must have first hand visual information of the act of violation.  Last but not least, according to the Quraan, a woman who's been a victim of rape does not have to produce any witnesses.  How would you interpret this bit about the 4 witnesses? 

I intepret it to mean four witnesses who visually witness the scene. Otherwise, what is the evidence those witnesses base their testimony on? Hearsay or rumour? What good is this testimony?

Let us look into the scenario described in the Qur'an where a beleving women was accused of illicit sex. There were many people who were spreading the rumour that she did engage in it. So if there were four people who were willing to "witness" (ie. by your current interpretation), does that make her guilty?

The Qur'anic requirement is necessarily tough, but possible.

AYou're right, a victim of rape does not require four witnesses according to the Qur'an. Rape is a crime committed against her (or him) at a completely different level. Rape involves a non-willing person who is forced into sex by the willing criminal, whereas the case of adultary and fornication is where two willing participants engage in sex solely for pleasure by both participants, and this word cannot be used to refering to rape.
When the Qur'an speaks of four witnesses, it is very obvious given the context of discussion, that it is discussing accusations made against two people who engaged in sex for pleasure (rape is a different genre all together). Also bear in mind the Qur'an's call for four witnesses when people accused the believing woman, who was obviously not a victim of rape from reading the Surah.


About posting in other forums, frankly by now I've had a showdown in all traditional forums.  However much I try to avoid it, it seems inevitable.  But most importantly, it's pretty much useless too.  It's just impossible to have a civil discussion focused on the topic.  Whether a Ph.D from Al-Azha University or just a disciple of a sheik, not a single person in any such forum has as yet analysed the contents of my posts.  Instead, the standard response has constantly been a chain of personal attacks on my identity and perception.  It's not just irritating, but thoroughly unfair.  I've invited all such people here at MV for a civil debate on any topic of their choice, but they've never responded to that either.  Thus, because of the depth of our incompatibility, I've given it a break for the time being .. and I wouldn't want to get hyped in the month of Ramadan Smiley 

It seems that it does not matter what the Qur'an says. As long as a scholar said it using his understanding of the Qur'an and Hadith, this would be accepted. They do not want to accept something from a "layman" no matter how logical, rational and reasonable the argument is. It just has to be from a scholar, no matter how irrational, illogical and unreasonable the argument is, it would be accepted. Recently, I also discovered that even the Sunnah does not matter, it has to be from an ulama. I was discussing mosques and segregation with a people who will not take the Qur'an as the only guide, so I told them that the Prophet never implemented segregation in his mosque without even discussing problem with Hadiths with them, but they would not acknowledge it but would only say they shall refer to their scholars and their opinions, they have no ability to interpret these 'advanced' issues.

I post in, a predominantly Sunni board with some Shia Muslims there. The mods are very open minded and never have I had a post deleted from there.

May Allah bless you brother for your enlightened efforts and sincere thoughts, and for beautifying our board with such a great post.  I'll also go thru the other recitations in due course.  While one is fasting there's always a crunch in one's daily schedule. 

JazekAllah Khair / peace[/font]

May Allah reward you and give you more Qur'anic wisdom for your sincere efforts in spreading His Message. Smiley Thanks for keeping this message board running.

Once again, applogies for the late response. Have a good remainder of the week and a good weekend, inshallah. Smiley

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« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2007, 05:56:49 am »

Walaikum Salaam dear brother AOH  Smiley  I thoroughly enjoyed reading your fine analysis.  Alhamdulilah.

To understand the Qur'an correctly requires having firm faith in Allah and the Hereafter, no matter how good your arabic is. This is stressed in a Verse where Allah says when the Prophet recites the Qur'an to the people (who knew the language of the Qur'an), that He places a veil betweeen the Prophet and those who do not believe in the Hereafter.  Using reason and logic is also critical in its understanding ..

You are so, so correct brother ..

I intepret it to mean four witnesses who visually witness the scene. Otherwise, what is the evidence those witnesses base their testimony on? Hearsay or rumour? What good is this testimony?

Let us look into the scenario described in the Qur'an where a beleving women was accused of illicit sex. There were many people who were spreading the rumour that she did engage in it. So if there were four people who were willing to "witness" (ie. by your current interpretation), does that make her guilty?

The Qur'anic requirement is necessarily tough, but possible.

I get your point.  Here, I'd like to throw a little more light on what I meant.  On the issue of 4 witnesses I interpret that a minimal of 4 people who know something to provide some evidence of an illegal sexual relationship between the accused.  This is the least that's required in order to consider the case admittable in a legal court of law.  Without a minimal 4 people having enough evidence to testify concerning the sexual side of the relationship, the case will not even be eligible for admittance in court.  And again, admitting the case in court on the basis of the willingness of the 4 witnesses to testify will not necessarily give a guilty verdict to the accused.  The Quraan upholds justice to the fullest and gives no reason to presume this.  The purpose of the 4 witnesses is only a pre-requisite to recognize the case officially to start a legal proceeding without which it won't even qualify for a court trial.  Once the case is brought to court on the basis of a minimal of 4 witnesses, it's upto the jury to assess the logic and authenticity of the evidence provided by the witnesses and whether to accept or reject their testimonies.  It's possible that out of the 4 witnesses, 2 may testify with a flimsy or bias story.  It goes without saying that the jury must perceive such flaws and reject them.  If the other 2 witnesses provide a foolproof testimony or a testimony that sounds far more credible, the case can proceed accordingly and more witnesses can be summoned on the basis of this, if needed.  The Quraan has stated nothing to disallow a detailed proceeding.  On the contrary, justice is the most important aspect in the Quraan for every legal matter.  The more carefully a case is analysed, better the chances for dispensing proper justice. 

If as commonly presumed, 4 witnesses are required to be eye-witnesses of the actual act of illegal sexual intercourse between the 2 accused, it's usually very very difficult to find even one such witness, let alone 4.  This law would then be quite inapplicable.  While I realize many Muslims prefer this interpretation mainly because of its inapplicability, the fact is that all Quraanic laws are very applicable and practical.  Every law that Allah has stated in the Quraan serves a purpose and thus needs to be implemented in our lives.  I cannot find any Quraanic law that simply serves a symbolic purpose.  That's one of the major beauties of the Quraan which makes it so forthright and rational. 

And Allah knows best.

It seems that it does not matter what the Qur'an says. As long as a scholar said it using his understanding of the Qur'an and Hadith, this would be accepted. They do not want to accept something from a "layman" no matter how logical, rational and reasonable the argument is. It just has to be from a scholar, no matter how irrational, illogical and unreasonable the argument is, it would be accepted. Recently, I also discovered that even the Sunnah does not matter, it has to be from an ulama. I was discussing mosques and segregation with a people who will not take the Qur'an as the only guide, so I told them that the Prophet never implemented segregation in his mosque without even discussing problem with Hadiths with them, but they would not acknowledge it but would only say they shall refer to their scholars and their opinions, they have no ability to interpret these 'advanced' issues.

I cannot say how much I agree with you.  The time is fast approaching when even the Hadith is taking the back seat compared to the words of the "scholars."  Actually, I've often found great resemblance between the style of fatwas and Hadiths.  These "scholars" are onlyfollowing their mentors of 10th century onwards.  When I read many of the Hadiths with the depth of its contradictions with the Quraan and the insults hurled at the Prophet (pbuh), it makes me ponder that if a non-Muslim had written such things on Islam, there would be rioting in the Muslim world.  But when an "imam" says it, all mouths are shut.  The trend of this dreadful blind faith in "scholars" today and the stubbornness of their followers to analyse their faulty words are very consistent with the rigidity of the disbelievers at the time of the Prophet.  Our community has presently reached the peaks of irrationality and injustice.  It also displays a pathetic tendency of the human mind which always derives far greater pleasure following their contemporaries who are still in their midst, regardless of the absurdity of their words, rather than the wisdom of the Unseen, the Almighty Allah.  Apparently this is the most important reason why most of 'Muslims' are no longer interested in the Quraan.  The Quraan is not meant for such misguided minds anyway.

I post in, a predominantly Sunni board with some Shia Muslims there. The mods are very open minded and never have I had a post deleted from there.

This seems like an unusual place.  I'm a little busy now as I'll be travelling shortly in a few days.  InshAllah, when I return a couple of weeks later, I'll try posting some of my stuff there.

Once again, applogies for the late response. Have a good remainder of the week and a good weekend, inshallah. Smiley

No problem at all brother Smiley
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« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2007, 09:38:09 am »

Assalamu alaikum Sr. Zainab.

After reading your intepretation of Verses to do with witnesses, I must say your understanding sounds more rationale and reasonable.

I particularly find logical the requirement that the four credible witnesses need to give credible evidence, whether of the moments leading up to the alleged act or the long term relationship between the two accused individuals or any other detail, before any verdict may be allowed to be passed by a qualifies judge. Just because four witnesses are found, does not mean the accused are automatically guilty. The 'evidence' provided by these witnesses, may even be dismissed completely due to their lack of credibility (ie. frivolity of their arguments and/or being unqualified to be witnesses).

I am now leaning towards your interpretaion. I thank Allah for this added insight into these Verse, and I thank you for your valuable insight and wisdom on these Verses. I have been meaning to discuss this with some one for a while ("Qur'an only" ofcourse). Praise is due to Allah who gives wisdom to whoever He wills, whoever is given wisdom has received abudent good indeed. Many thanks to you sister for bringing the topic up and for sharing with me and others, your wisdom and intelectual understanding of this Verse, I appreciate it greatly. Smiley

Have safe and pleasent journies inshallah, and looking forward to hearing from you here and on
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« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2007, 04:32:15 am »

I particularly find logical the requirement that the four credible witnesses need to give credible evidence, whether of the moments leading up to the alleged act or the long term relationship between the two accused individuals or any other detail, before any verdict may be allowed to be passed by a qualifies judge. Just because four witnesses are found, does not mean the accused are automatically guilty. The 'evidence' provided by these witnesses, may even be dismissed completely due to their lack of credibility (ie. frivolity of their arguments and/or being unqualified to be witnesses).

Yes brother, this is precisely what I meant to explain with two main points as summary.   

(1) The 4 witnesses (at the least) are required basically to start a legal proceeding.  They needn't necessarily be eye-witnesses.

(2) The testimony of the witnesses must be scrutinized and verified in court for authenticity and acceptability to make sure whether or not they are credible.

Thus, upon reflection you will find that this issue presents the cornerstone of the modern-day legal system to a large extent.  However, most non-Musims, particularly those from permissive societies, would argue on it even if they knew that the witnesses aren't required to be eye-witnesses.  That's because sexual promiscuity is so common in many permissive communities that they are unable to comprehend why it should at all be made a legal issue.  But as Muslims we simply have to refute this idea.  The important fact is that according to the moral standards prescribed by the Almighty Allah as stated in the Quraan, adultery / fornication is a gross violation and this ruling cannot change to please the rest of the world.

At the same time, according to Allah's law, even if anyone is found guilty of sexual misconduct, the punishment is lashes, NOT death.

Have safe and pleasent journies inshallah, and looking forward to hearing from you here and on

Thank you so much my dear brother  Smiley   Inshallah, yes ..
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« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2008, 06:07:00 pm »

Thank you very much indeed

I found your discussion very informatve and educational  I will keep coming back to this link and listen attentively to the Quaran tafseer.

Thank you so much as this is a great place for me to learn more about islam, as i am not knowledgable as i want to be.

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Heba E. Husseyn
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« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2008, 09:59:47 pm »

Thank you very much indeed

I found your discussion very informatve and educational  I will keep coming back to this link and listen attentively to the Quaran tafseer.

Thank you so much as this is a great place for me to learn more about islam, as i am not knowledgable as i want to be.


u r very welcomed sister Smiley  I'm glad u like it here.  This is a nice and quiet place.  One can choose the topic of their interest and learn in peace and this place really offers a wide variety of topics.
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« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2008, 09:37:14 am »

Thank you very much indeed

I found your discussion very informatve and educational  I will keep coming back to this link and listen attentively to the Quaran tafseer.

Thank you so much as this is a great place for me to learn more about islam, as i am not knowledgable as i want to be.


Assalamu alaikum sister Shahida,

Welcome! Good to see you here.

Our goal is to earn the good pleasure of Allah and attain His mercy in this world and the next, together as one. If thats your aim too, welcome!

See you around, inshaAllah. Smiley

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